
Check Out the Hover-1 Electric Folding Scooter at Best Buy

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College is expensive.  So any way to save a bit of cash is a good thing, right?

The Hover-1 Electric Folding Scooter is convenient transportation, and perfect for older teens and young adults.

A fun ride for back to school, with no worries about rising gas prices.
Check Out the Hover-1 Electric Folding Scooter at Best Buy
Get around your campus, neighborhood, town. With a range of 16 miles per charge, this scooter will handle hills up to 15 degrees.  8.5 inch tires, make for a stable ride.
Reaches speeds up to 14 mph
You can ride anytime, anywhere.
36V UL certified battery pack
Simple to charge with the provided easy-to-use charger.
Foldable design
Offers a convenient, stylish, and exciting form of transportation.
Check Out the Hover-1 Electric Folding Scooter at Best Buy
Weight capacity of 220 lbs.
Ensures safe riding.
Electronic and foot brakes
Help the scooter come to a complete stop safely.
Weighing in at just 27lbs. and folding in half for neat and easy storage, makes the Hover-1 Electric Folding Scooter great for a dorm room or small efficiency apartment – easy to manipulate, and easy to store. Most could easily carry up a set of stairs.
Check Out the Hover-1 Electric Folding Scooter at Best Buy
As always, purchasing at Best Buy makes the transaction quick, and their friendly staff are happy to answer any of your questions.  Head on over and check out the Hover-1 Electric Folding Scooter, and all the other scooters they have available.  And, please…ride responsibly.  Read all the product instructions before use and purchase protective gear, and use each time you ride!
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