

Ever hear the old saying “Oh, that was so funny, I laughed my butt off!”?

Yeah, me too – but it’s a crock. My butt is as big as ever, but oh how I did laugh!

I got a copy of this book to review, and now you can enter for a chance to win a copy for yourself.

Brought to you by author Shepherd Hoodwin and Moms With Voices Media,   giving 3 lucky winners a chance to win !
Open Worldwide
(winners outside the US will win the ebook version) Ending on 22nd September 2012 at 11.59pm EST Enlightment for Nitwits is the first metaphysical/self-help humor collection. It is full of hilarious one-liners and mind-bending pieces on a wide range of subjects. Each of its forty-five short chapters is introduced with a funny blurb and photograph. This is a book you will keep handy to savor whenever you need an infusion of joy. Now you can achieve enlightenment without doing absolutely any work on yourself whatsoever!  The Keys to Life are yours for the price of a cheap paperback!  Many seekers have trod the difficult path to enlightenment, giving up everything and going through hell—Not only is a trip to the Himalayas expensive, but you have to hike through yak poo to remote villages with no Wi-Fi.  Now you can reach the highest states of consciousness possible to humanity without missing a single text message. This book is everything you need to ascend into the stratosphere of spiritual mastery!
Enter Below and Good Luck !!

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0 thoughts on “ENLIGHTENMENT FOR NITWITS – Book Giveaway

  • •Outsourcing & UFOs sounds up my alley.

  • •It’s Not Easy Being An Old Soul – Sounds like me!

  • i’d like Outsourcing & UFOs


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