
How To Help Your Anxious Dog

Did you know that dogs can go through separation anxiety? Most people believe that dogs are sociable, lovable and excited, and that’s it. Nope! Dogs hold a full spectrum of emotions and as dogs are pack animals, they love to be in a group. When they are separated from their pack, they can become isolated, paranoid and panicked. It’s said that dogs also attach themselves to one particular member of the family, and when this happens, they can easily start to worry. This anxiety can lead to physical symptoms in your dog, and you will notice when they start to worry.

Another piece of the separation anxiety puzzle is that dogs can feel anxious when they are bored on their own. Active, playful dogs require a lot of stimulation to ensure that their energy is burned correctly and they feel as if they are cared for. If a dog is left alone for too long, they will become destructive and chew things that they know that they generally shouldn’t be chewing! Separation anxiety can be overcome with your dog, and you can look at some of these ways to help!

Dog laying in a dog bed

How To Help Your Anxious Dog

  • Make a safe space

Not many dogs like to be crated, but crate training can be a way to offer your dog a calm, safe space within the house. They may already be on CBD oil for dogs to curb their anxiety, but if you create a space specifically for your dog away from the other humans in the house, you’re going to give them somewhere to relax and be away from the stress. You can keep the crate open if it helps, but have their pillow and a blanket in there and put it somewhere quiet in the house. This way, they can retreat when things get too much.

  • Stroke, stroke, and stroke some more

Dogs – like humans – respond positively to physical touch. If you notice a panting, pacing, shivering pet, then you should give them as much physical touch and attention that you can manage. They will find your attention comforting and they will calm under your soothing strokes within moments. Physical touch can make a huge difference to your dog and it won’t take long for them to feel calmer.

  • Exercise is a must

You know when you feel worried, your body tenses up and fills with adrenaline? Well, you usually burn that off with movement and give yourself a surge of endorphins from it. If you know how that feels, then know that your dog feels the same. If your pet is often having anxiety attacks, take them for a walk in their favorite places and let them have a run. They need stimulation to burn off that worry, and you can ensure that your dog becomes a happier one. 

  • Remove the triggers

If you know that your dog is going to be triggered by fireworks or loud noises, you can find ways to anticipate these things and change them. You can ensure that your dog – who may be scared of strangers – has a safe place to be when contractors turn up at the door to work. This is such a simple thing to consider, but by mitigating the triggers, you can ensure that your dog is much happier and has far less anxiety as a result.

Some people choose to go for behavioral training for their anxious pet, but if you don’t feel it’s needed, it’s not a must. Believe in the fact that your dog is going to be better off if you are there for them and you don’t allow their anxiety to become the norm. They need your support and you can do that if you are learning how to cope with their anxiety. Let’s not forget that this pet is something in your life that you love, so you should want to do all that you can to look after them and make them feel calm and happy. It’s so much easier to distract your dog than it is to try and train the anxiety out of them. It’s a slow process, but that doesn’t mean that they cannot be helped. This is a “one step at a time” deal, and you should learn to reward all of the changes that they make as they go. Animals will rely on you to ensure that they are happy and healthy and feeling secure, so why not make sure your dog has everything he needs to let go of his anxiety?


One thought on “How To Help Your Anxious Dog

  • A lot of good advice in this post. Thank you!


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