Libby Says

LIFE CHOICES / Feature & Giveaway

About Life Choices: Navigating Difficult Paths

If you feel “stuck” in a situation that appears to be beyond your control, these stories will show you how others have coped with crisis and uncertainty, made tough choices and positive changes in order to find deeper meaning and satisfaction in their relationships and learned to live with purpose every day. Rarely do we find a book that addresses so many different challenges. Life Choices does this in a powerful and inspiring way. This book is about experiences, the people who lived them, and how they created successful lives. From values and self-fulfillment to legacy, this book offers new resources for people who have tough choices to make every day.

Filled with wisdom and love, this book is a soothing companion for anyone searching for the courage to make a choice to change his or her circumstances. These authors and their stories prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that success belongs to everyone, no matter where they come from or what has happened to them. They are living proof that miracles can and do happen. You can be one of these people. You can navigate through difficult times and find your pathway to the life you choose to lead. Put the strength of others to work for you. Courage is not the absence of fear or pain. Courage is taking the steps to move through it.

About Judi Moreo

Judi Moreo is the author of You Are More Than Enough: Every Woman’s Guide to Purpose, Passion, and Power, and it’s companion, Achievement Journal. She is also the co-author and compiler of Life Choices: Navigating Difficult Paths (Turning Point International).
Judi is an award-winning businesswoman and motivational speaker. Her superb talent for customizing programs to meet organizational needs has gained her a prestigious following around the world. Her passion for living an extraordinary life is mirrored in her zeal for helping others realize their potential and achieve their goals. With her dynamic personality and style, she is an unforgettable speaker, inspiring motivator, and an exceptional life coach.

Want to win a copy?
Giveaway open to residents of the US only.
Must leave a valid email address in your comment.
To Enter:  go HERE to the  
Life Choices: Navigating Difficult Paths Website
Take a look around…then come back here
and tell me who wrote your favorite
testimonial of the book!
(Please don’t just pick the first one!)

That’s it…not difficult at all.

Giveaway ends at Noon Central Time
Friday April 9th

Thanks so much to Judi Moreo
and Pump Up Your Book Promotions
for providing a book for me to give away.

0 thoughts on “LIFE CHOICES / Feature & Giveaway

  • WOW! What an awesome reminder of the unseen, quintessential power living inside us! Thank you for sharing your life changing stories with us—it is warm, true and inspirational. It has given me the courage to embrace my “weakness” and my story…for it has made me realize that actually it is my strength!! Life is a Gift! And we get to unwrap it every day—if we choose to…Please choose to!!

    Marisa Wollheim, Director, Hospice in the West,
    Krugersdorp, South Africa
    Love & Hugs,

  • I like Peter Fogel's testimony.


  • The people who contributed to this book looked back on their lives and selected a single decision they had made, "a life choice" that changed their lives forever. We make little choices everyday that change things too.
    I'm proud to have contributed "A True Love Story."
    Sandra Gore Nielsen, author

  • My favorite testimonials were writtern by 1)Doc Blakely and 2)John Michael Stuart.

  • Please stop by here to pick up your virtual Easter Basket to help the Children's Miracle Network.

  • Jack Sheehan's testimonial was great. Simple and direct.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  • It was kind of hard to pick one, but I liked
    Gail Cohen, Author, Thinking Outside The Lines,
    How To Reach Your Personal Best


    dcf_beth at verizon dot net


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