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Lull Yourself into a Great Nights Sleep

Disclaimer: Please note that we have received product from  Lull for review purposes only. I was not paid to endorse it.All the thoughts and words in this post are my own opinions.

Shopping Lull is a Whole New Way to shop for a Mattress…and Get a Great Night’s Sleep!

Readers who have been with me for a while now, know that I have chronic health issues.  Some of which are serious sleep disorders.  Besides having severe Central Sleep Apnea (central sleep apnea occurs when the brain doesn’t send proper signals to the muscles that control breathing), I have RLS and Hyper Insomnia.  Sleep is really underrated.  It’s essential to overall health and well being.  While a CPAP machine and drugs help me, a good mattress and sleeping environment are crucial.

I was recently blessed to receive a mattress from Lull and I (and my husband) couldn’t be happier with it! It came at the most perfect time.  I just spent weeks taking care of my 94 year old father, while mom was hospitalized after having emergency surgery.  When I was able to catch an hour or two of sleep (as he needed care 24/7) off and on throughout the day and night, it was on a very unfriendly and uncomfortable sofa sleeper.  We affectionately call that sofa an instrument of torture, to be avoided at all costs.  Beside the aching from sleeping on that vile thing, I wrenched my back lifting dad,the last day that he was at home, before being admitted to the hospital himself.

After the long drive back home, through 4 states, I was in a pretty bad way.  Thankfully my brand spank’n new Lull mattress was waiting for me on my arrival! Shopping with Lull is just about as easy as it gets.  Simply head over to their website, pick the size mattress that you need, place the order and then whoosh, before you can say “Bobs your uncle”, it arrives at your door…and  in the coolest box EVER. Also, I would suggest on research a few other Lull mattress reviews if you would like to see how firm their bed is and the coolness during the night. It’s always a great idea to have multiple aspects before you decide to go with it. But let’s get started and please do watch my video! 

Isn’t the box awesome? The other side has a female lion . And don’t judge. Yes my Christmas decorations are still up. We left for Florida the day after Christmas and I didn’t want my kids to take them down before I got home as I plan to purge and reorganize before everything is put back into storage.

Yes a queen size mattress is inside that box, which I was able to slide to the bedroom on my own. Because my back was  a mess, my son took off my old mattress and got the Lull mattress onto our bed.

At first I was a bit skeptical because I’ve heard some not so great things about compressed mattresses from other companies.  Like that they have a very strong chemical odor when first removed from the plastic they are wrapped in.  I needn’t have worried because my Lull mattress had no odor at all.  I’ve also heard that they don’t always have a lot of support.  Another issue that was so untrue of the Lull! The Lull mattress is firm, but not rock hard.  It’s like that third bed that Goldilocks tried…it’s just right.  Another great thing is that when I move around in the bed, my husband’s side stays nice and stable, and vice-versa.  (And no, I’m not going to try putting a stemmed glass filled with wine onto the bed, and then dance around to show that it won’t spill.  LOL for starters I don’t drink, and I’m a klutz and would probably fall off the bed and end up in traction!)

So what is it like when the Lull mattress is removed from the box?  Take a look, but kindly excuse my poor video taking  and editing skills.  I managed to have the phone turned the wrong way, and I didn’t check my spelling.  In my defense, I’m OLD and I was so excited!

My Lull mattress.


So, I bet you are wondering how they get that mattress compressed, wrapped and into the box. Just click below:

Watch How a Bed can Fit Into a Small Box video!

The Lull mattress works on:

  • Flat Platforms
  • Adjustable Beds
  • Slatted Bases
  • Box Springs (what we have)
  • The Floor

About Lull

Order your mattress online – ships free to your door. Try it for 100 nights, and if you’re not thrilled we’ll come pick it up and refund all your money. We created Lull for one simple reason – We want people to sleep better so they can live better. At Lull we offer our customers a premium sleeping solution at a fraction of the cost of a traditional mattress and provide a world-class customer experience that is hassle and stress free.

I’m a little OCD about a lot of things (OK OK, I’m a LOT OCD about a lot of things), and I could not stand that the “quilting” on my old mattress showed through the bedding.  Not so with my Lull.  Just take a look…smooth as a baby’s bottom.

I honestly can’t say enough wonderful things about this mattress. When I first found out that I was going to be the recipient of one, I told my husband that it would be pretty hard to beat the great pillow-top that we’ve had for the last 11 years.  We decided that we would give the Lull a try and if we weren’t absolutely in love with it, that we would move it upstairs and let our daughter have it.  Hubs came in and gave it a try as soon as it was situated on our bed. After five minutes, he instructed the kids to take our old mattress upstairs!  We haven’t looked back.  Believe me.  Remember, my back was killing me when we got home, but I slept through the very first night on my Lull, and woke up feeling better than I have in eons.

Skip the middleman, don’t worry about pushy sales people, don’t wrestle a mattress into your truck of van, save money and sleep great…on a mattress from Lull.


Learn More and Connect with Lull:  Shop | Facebook | Twitter

This product was received from the Company for review purposes only. All thoughts and words in this post is my own and I was not paid to endorse it. I am only voicing my opinion about this product.

98 thoughts on “Lull Yourself into a Great Nights Sleep

  • Wow, I never seen a mattress from a box! Thanks for all the great info!

  • I can’t even remember the last time I had a good nights sleep, probably at least 30 years ago.

  • This looks like a great mattress! I share the bed with two pugs, the hubby takes the couch since the bed hurts his back..would love one like this to change that situation around!

  • I need a new mattress. Will have to check this out! My mattress is horrible.

  • Very interesting read!

  • I would love to get a good nights sleep

  • That’s awesome. I’m going to check this company out the next time we replace a mattress.

  • I could go for a new bed. Hard to believe it came out of that little box but really cool too.

  • I’d love a new mattress like this!

  • I have an Adjustable Bed Base and have been looking for a mattress that can be used with this base because the mattress that came with it is no longer comfortable. Thanks for the review. I will look into this.

  • thanks for the tips!

  • I read some reviews for this mattress. Sounds too good to be true but it’s worth looking into. Thanks.

  • It’s so amazing how products are shipped now a days. Your mattress looks and sounds like it is so nice. Maybe someday I will be brave enough to try one out.

  • This sounds like an awesome mattress. I would like to try it.

  • Sounds like a great mattress.

  • It would be so much easier to move into the house than a regular mattress and box spring.

  • This is worth looking into. My mattress is very old.

  • Sleeping sounds scary for you, I’m sorry you have to go through that. However, this mattress looks like it would make bed time more relaxing for you.

  • I love the small box it comes in and I don’t love to try one.

  • omg i so need a good mattress, ive often looked at these types of matress’s. Very nice!!!

  • That mattress looks super comfy. When we moved into our new place over a year ago I bought a mattress in a box. It’s actually held up better than I thought it would.

  • These sound beyond wonderful and I’m amazed at how they get these mattresses inside those boxes. I can pretty much sleep anywhere but as I have gotten older I certainly appreciate a good quality mattress for a restful nights sleep. Thanks for a great review.

  • I sure could use a good nights sleep.

  • I would love a mattress I could sleep on.

  • My current mattress was great for years but now is well worn and I don’t get a great sleep anymore. I wouldn’t have considered a mattress delivered in a box until your review. Now I’ll look at Lull when I go for a replacement.

  • This sounds so nice. I have alot of back problems. I also need a new mattress soon. I will definitely be checking this out. Thank you so much for sharing

  • I can’t believe that’s a mattress & it came in a box! I thought maybe it was one of those foam mattress toppers but nope, it’s a mattress! All I can say is WOW. It just looks so comfy too! Going to check this out, I need a new mattress & hate shopping for one! Thanks for the review!!

  • Sleep isnt the first word found in my recent vocabulary – but I can always day dream that actually might win a online contest / sweepstakes that’ll help in one way or another to make it a reality!It’s not surprising, I have struggled resulting from injuries from an accident (that wasnt my fault) but the driver had no insurance – upon reading that of the complete article I found myself to be a bit skeptical because I’ve read a lot but due to limited finances havent been able to afford to try almost everything thats been suggested. Further I started to research this and share my findings almost forgetting to return and enter. Through self research I have found to learn some amazing facts about compressed mattresses and their companies.

    My best goes out to you and other’s with pain!

    Being that I am presently using the mattress that was in my grandparents home, over 22 years old, I also need a new mattress. I will definitely looking to save every penny, because my condition is one that has no cure and has me in constant pain.

    Thank you so much for sharing

  • Oh this sounds awesome! Our mattress is old & I have hip problems so I’d love to get this!

  • This mattress sounds incredible, & I’m happy to hear that it’s giving you relief & sleep. I’ll keep hoping that something will come along for me too ☝

  • I would so love to be able to try one of these mattresses. I have Fibromyalgia and Arthritis and it is hard for me to get comfortable on many types of mattresses. So, thus I never get enough restful sleep.

  • This sounds awesome. I am in need of a good mattress soon. I will be checking these out

  • I enjoyed reading your review. Thanks for providing valuable information.

  • I would love a mattress like this! Thanks for having this article!

  • The Lull mattress sounds amazing. Great educational information! Thank you!

  • I have not had a good nights sleep in quite some time,this mattress sounds awesome.

  • This looks like an amazing mattress. I have so many problems with my back when I first get up in the morning because of my mattress.

  • I need to get one of these!! There are so many good reviews. I have scoliosis and it’s so hard for me to find a mattress that is comfortable.

  • Wow, these mattresses look awesome! and they come in a box? I haven’t had a new mattress in years and my back is always hurting,I would love to try one of these. I would love a soft one.

  • I love your review, my husband would benefit from this mattress, he has such a hard time going to sleep maybe this mattress would help him sleep, Great review

  • I love your review, my husband would benefit from this mattress, he has such a hard time going to sleep maybe this mattress would help him sleep, Great review and I will look into this mattress

  • I would love to have a new mattress. Thank you for sharing.

  • I just got a new mattress. Thanks for posting.

  • Omgosh it looks amazing!! I LOVE that it fits in such a small box and is salespersonless lol!!

  • Sounds like an amazing mattress! 🙂

  • This is an interesting idea about shipping a mattress in a box. I haven’t seen one or heard from anyone personally that has bought one

  • This is so awesome.. a great way to buy a mattress.. I just bought one otherwise I would try this….

  • I would kill for a full night’s sleep. I’m so exhausted.

  • I too have sleep issues and know how important a good mattress and a good mood stabilizer is to good sleep

  • As we speak, I also have sleep issues long-lasting and debilitating at times. A firm mattress that offers gentle relief is my idea also of the perfect sleep.

  • Until now, I wasn’t aware of the Lull brand. Choosing a mattress is time consuming and difficult for me. I will, hopefully soon read this review again to help my search for the perfect mattress!

  • this sounds awesome and looks very easy to store as well.

  • This mattress sounds awesome. I would love to be able to wake up and feel refreshed.

  • OMGoodness! This is sort of amazing—a whole matress in that box. I am glad to know about this. We are starting to talk about replacing ours.

  • I have to admit this is a first for me! Hard to believe something that big is in that little box

  • I hope your parents are feeling better. You as well.
    I watched your video twice. So fun watching the mattress plump up.

  • This sounds like a fantastic mattress. I love that it stays cool! Great post! Thank you for sharing.

  • I have never seen anything like that. I love a firm mattress. thanks for the review

  • LOL at your Christmas tree still being up, it’s lovely btw. I kept mine up til a week ago ?

  • Never saw this before, sounds good, thanks.

  • this is so cool a mattress in a box ………….. I bought a compressed topper once and it did not fit/work/like so I decided to reeturn. You would not believe what i had to do to get it back in that box

  • I cannot ever get a good nights sleep I wonder if this would work for me..It is interesting coming out of a box…

  • This mattress sounds amazing!! I love that its shipped right to your door in a compact package!! SO AWESOME!!

  • So convenient! I hate shopping for mattresses and love the fact it is easy to buy and have delivered.

  • Beca Of my health issues, we invested in a temper – pedic bed 7 years ago and I started sleeping back in a bed instead of my recliner!
    We decided to buy a new mattress for the spare bedroom upstairs. I bought a mattress on Groupon with free delivery! I was shocked when it came in a box like yours in the pic. We had to unroll it and take the plastic off. It is not as thick as the other mattress. We were skeptical to lay on it at first, but then, it was like my body was engulfed in pure comfort! The grandkids love it!
    They had a little disagreement on who would sleep on it! It was a great bargain! Enjoy yours also and get some sleep ?

  • The last two mattress I bought came in a box! They have been the best beds I have slept in.

  • We had a very busy day! Resting in my bed was all I could think about for my aching back! This was one of the best investments I have ever made!

  • Needing a new mattress. Will have to consider something like this

  • I am currently looking for a new mattress & love to see new brands with reviews. I have had 4 back surgeries so a great mattress is extremely important. I can’t wait to read more about this brand.. Thx for your review!!

  • Thank you for the informative article. I appreciate the giveaway!

  • I like the idea of a mattress shipping directly to my home, and easy to set up. I would probably stick to a twin for the spare room.

  • I remember getting our mattress. It was rolled up so tight. I thought no way is this a king size memory foam. Once the plastic was cut the mattress kept expanding. I sleep so well on it!

  • The packaging is great! There is nothing like a comfy night’s sleep!

  • This mattress sounds amazing. It’s great that it’s therapeutic. I’m getting a few nerves in my back burned because of my pain. Next my hips and neck. Wish I could afford one of these, but with no income (can’t work because of my health) I don’t think it will happen. Great review tho.

  • This sounds like a fantastic mattress! Thank you for sharing a great review!

  • That’s so great. I don’t even want to think about how old our matress is!

  • I toss and turn all night. I would love to have something that doesn’t move my hubs around while I get comfortable and relieve pain.

  • We sleep on my granddaughters bed when we visit. It is the worst I have ever been on. This Lull mattress sounds perfect for her bed. Thank you for sharing.

  • I’m hearing a lot of good opinions about this mattress in a box. I want to try it.

  • Good read (a mattress in a box, wow). Thanks for sharing!

  • The mattress looks nice, I have never had a mattress that came in a box but I would try this one.

  • I want this mattress so bad. It looks so much more comfortable than what I have now.

  • I’m in the process of redoing my bedroom.
    First time in years.
    Looking for a new mattress..the works really.
    I like the features you mentioned here.
    Especially, cooling technology..I sleep hot all the time..and live in south Florida.

  • This is a new one on me, I have never heard of this mattress before, but I have to admit the box it came in is fantastic.

  • These mattress’ are so intriguing to me! They can stuff them into such small boxes and it just unfolds and is ready to use. I would love to try out one of these mattress’.

  • That’s great you can try it for 100 days. We spend so much of our lives in bed, a good mattress is crucial.

  • Getting good sleep is so important! This brand sounds like a good quality company.

  • Can’t believe it is so easy to order. We are in need of a new mattress and this might be the way to go. Had never heard of them before. Love the information you shared!

  • This mattress sounds awesome! I’ve had fibromyalgia for the last twenty years, so my back hurts constantly. I desperately need a new mattress, as the one I have is terrible! This seems like it would be a good one for me and I would love to try it! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  • I need a new mattress so I will add this to my list of ones to check out.

  • We’ll be looking to replace our mattress in a couple of years, so we’ve been checking out mattresses when we see reviews of them. This mattress looks really nice, I love the review, and we’ll be adding the Lull mattress to our list for consideration. Thanks for the review!


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