
AKC GoodDog! Helpline – #AKCDogLover – Post No. 2

A few weeks ago, I told you all about the AKC GoodDog! Helpline.  Today I want to tell you how I plan to use the helpline for my dog…GABE.  As some of you know, Gabe is my Service Dog,  He has been well trained, but because he was a rescue, he still has some issues from his pre-Gabe days.  Every now and then we come up with a behavior that needs to be tweaked. What a fabulous thing, to know that for Gabe’s entire life, I will have access to one on one information from experts in their field.
All of us can benefit from a little help when it comes to our dogs. We love them and want what’s best for them.  A well behaved dog, is a happy dog, and it’s our responsibility to do everything in our power, to see to it that they are well taken care of.
Puppies can sometimes be a handful and having a dog behavior specialist on call,for advise can be invaluable for crate training, puppy chewing issues, and how to stop puppy nipping.
What about  knowing the difference between normal dog behavior and strange dog behavior?  How comforting to be able to AKC GoodDog Helplinemake a phone call, and have a trainer be able to sort things out.


I love my furbabies with all my heart, and I want to always do what’s best for them.  How wonderful that I know  that I can have an ever present “partner” to help me with any questions that I might have, concerning my dogs behavior.
“I am blogging on behalf of BlogPaws Pet Blogger Network and the AKC. I received compensation for my time from the AKC for sharing my views in this post, but the views expressed here are solely mine.”

24 thoughts on “AKC GoodDog! Helpline – #AKCDogLover – Post No. 2

  • That’s neat to know! We don’t have a dog right now, but we’d like to have one in the future. Resources like this will be helpful.

  • I have to admit that puppies are like have an infant all over again. As a dog lover myself and we have raised our fair shared of family friends they are lots of work. This sounds like a great resource for those who may get in a bit over their heads and for those who just need some help period. I hate when people jump in a get a 4-legged friend on a whim and don’t think about all the responsibility that goes along with it. Don’t get me wrong, they are definitely a blessing to have as a member of our family but they are just as much work as a family member and they take as much love too.

  • That is wonderful to always have help at the drop of a hat when you need it, and it was nice of you to share.

  • Is there a website like this for kids? hahaha Seriously though, the hotline sounds so useful.

  • Were looking to get a dog, so this is very timely.

  • I admire you for having a guide dog. They really are special animals! God Bless!

  • Sounds like a neat program. We have two dogs, but I had never heard of this AKC program before.

  • Thanks for the tip! We’ve been wanting a puppy for a while now, since our dog passed a couple years ago. I’ve never trained a puppy though, and it would be a new experience for me.

  • It’s nice to know that there is a hotline out there for people who need help with dogs. Training a puppy has always been hard for me, but knowing there is help, that makes me feel better. I’ll be able to call this line next time I get a puppy!

  • this is wonderful if you own a dog! btw… the link on the fall fashion giveaway is bad

  • what a great service. We havent had any pets because of afraid of problems like chewing on stuff not supposed to and other behavior problems its nice to know there is a service out there to help.

  • I had no idea this type of service was available, what a neat resource to have!

  • I didn’t know either that this was available, this is so nice

    sibabe64 at ptd dot net

  • I did not know about this hot line! I like that they can help you with problems with your dog what is normal and what isn’t if somethings going on with your dog.

  • I never knew there was a help line. I used to have a Boston Terrier and a Beagle and boy, did I need help. Those dogs were my babies. I still haven’t got over loosing Lizzy the Terrier, she died at 18.

  • This is so great to know. I wasn’t aware of a helpline for dog owners!

  • I think this is a great idea! high five to the ones who came up with it!

  • This is nice to know. I will tell a few of my friends who have dogs all about this. Thank you for being so helpful.

  • As I look at my totally messy desk I am thinking a lot of these tips could come in handy LOL.


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