Libby Says


The creators of Supernatural were able 
to construct an animated world in which 
there were no boundaries. 
This new look into Supernatural 
brings new perspective 
to the show.  From adding color, 
intensity and action to scenes,  
 to vivid images of horrifying demons, 
the medium does not disappoint. 

Has your perspective ever changed by 
looking at life moments in a new light? 
If you were to develop a story 
about your life would you want it to be told 
on film or animated in ink? 

“Oh my gosh, my perspectives can change from day to day,
sometimes hour to hour. New insights from others,
research, sometimes just pondering for a few minutes
can shed new light on life moments.

My life story – that’s funny.  A film on cooking, washing dishes
sweeping and mopping floors, and doing load, after load, 
after load, after load, after load, of dirty laundry.  

Ah, yes – my character could be a supermom,
who can fold sheets with her eyes closed, and they come out
looking just like they did when new, and still in their packaging!
I could be supernatural with arms that can stir a pot on the stove,
while holding a fussy baby,  pouring  glasses of milk 
for two thirsty  toddlers
while helping tweens with their homework, 
and finding the lost car keys for the teenagers.

OOooooh – I could have eyes in the back of my head,
so that I could see which child dumped their glass of milk
and who rolled their eyes when I gave a lecture on safe 
driving, after finding the car keys! Super hearing would be
good too.  Gotta listen in on those phone conversations.
Hee-Hee – I’m beginning to like the idea:-)”

I do believe that animated in ink might just be the way to go!”

Order your copy of

Supernatural: The Anime Series

 on DVD or Blu-Ray
HERE today! 

 “I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote 
Supernatural: The Anime Series on DVD/Blu-Ray.”

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