Campbell's Heart Healthy
This post is sponsored by Campbell Soup Company
My husband and I have a LOT of reasons to stay healthy…10 grown children, their spouses and significant others, along with 20 growing grandchildren! Campbell’s Healthy Heart is one of the ways that we eat healthy.
Soup is a satisfying and often low in calories and in fat. We don’t always have time to make soup from scratch, so having so many Campbell’s soups to choose from, is fantastic. Whether eaten simply as “soup” or incorporating them in a recipe – I can always count on Campbell’s to taste great!
Directly from Campbell’s:
Health is foremost on people’s minds, keeping your family in tip top shape can be a challenge in these busy times. Campbell’s Soup wants you to “Address Your Heart” with Heart Healthy Tips, recipes and more!
Visit to get heart-healthy tips, including 21 Campbell’s recipes that are certified by the AHA and product coupons, as well as for the latest Campbell’s recipes and offers.
Here are my favorite recipes from the Campbell’s Kitchen:
And since I now reside in Louisiana, I have to include: