
Family fun that doesn’t cost the world

Being alive sure is expensive. Unless you were born into money, or unless you’re days away from inventing a cheeseburger that burns twice as many calories as it contains, you’re going to have to work for a living. The problem with working for a living is that payday only comes once a month, and when you only get money 12 times per year, you’re going to be protective over it. But daily fun doesn’t have to cost the world. You can spend time together without spending your hard-earned cash. 

Of course, sometimes it’s necessary to spend on things like birthday gifts, and that’s when it’s always best to shop around for excellent quality and value. For example, take a look at these toys for three year old girls. But if it’s a money-saving adventure you want, let’s continue.

Family fun that doesn’t cost the world


Little Boy taking Notes at a Museum Family fun that doesn’t cost the world

Museums need to be renamed. It’s not the word’s fault. It’s what we’ve done to the word that’s unforgivable. When people think of museums, they think of boring stuffy places where quiet people shuffle around passing vaguely intellectual comments on plain-looking bits and bobs from the past. But the word museum comes from the Greek word mouseion, or a name given to a storehouse of music and art and poetry and all things interesting and fun. 

Inside the museum, you will find exhibit after exhibit showing history and science at their best. You might stumble upon a space exhibit or some dinosaur bones. You might see planes and trains and swords and Viking boats. Nothing goes into a museum that isn’t worth keeping and protecting. Everything in there is a chance to cast your eye and say, “Oh wow, hey, come and look at this!”.


You might think your wardrobes and drawers don’t contain what it takes to hold a dress-up competition. But you don’t have the imagination of a child. This is one of the best free ways to entertain your family without even leaving the house. All you need is a prize, and that prize can be something as simple as who gets to choose the family movie. 

Themes for dress-up competitions include superheroes, professions, and cowboys and cowgirls. You really will be surprised at the imaginative ways that your children find to dress up in uncannily accurate ways!


Family baking together Family fun that doesn’t cost the world

OK, this is a sneaky option, as baking is only free if you have the ingredients already. But realistically, you likely already have eggs and flour and sugar and butter. Granted, you may have to run to the shops for icing, but a quick internet search for a simple recipe later, and you’ll have found the perfect one-to-two-hour antidote to a house otherwise filled with bored and glum-looking faces. 

You could even take this a step further and bake pizzas or pies or anything you think you might be able to handle. Not only is it a great way to keep everybody entertained, but you’ll have a delicious meal to look forward to at the end of it!

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