Home and Garden

Gardening 101


People were still gardening long ago before someone invented a method of growing tomatoes in your patio. But today people no longer require to grow their food to survive. We can walk to the grocery store and obtain everything we require. So why do you still need to garden?

Obviously, there are several reasons, but one major benefit is that it keeps us healthy. People who garden eat more vegetables and fruit which have high nutritional value and without insecticides. Plus getting down to the garden and cultivating is beneficial to your mental health. Gardening is a moderate physical exercise which helps to prolong your life. If you are interested in gardening, then continue reading on for more information. Here are some useful gardening tips that will help you get started:

Create Your Garden Portfolio

This will help you to label everything in your garden. Buy a cheap photo album to store your plant sticks and tags. Then you can add as many details as possible including where you bought the seed and where it is located in your garden.

Bite-Proof Your Bulbs

You can use poultry netting to protect your bulbs from critters. Depending on the type of crop you want to grow, you can remove that clothing in spring or allow the plants to rise through the holes.

Make a Shelf in Your Wheelbarrow

Measure the size of your wheelbarrow and cut plywood that is of the same shape and size. Use some cleats to prevent it from slipping off. You can now carry the soil under the shelf and your potted plants and tools on top.

Lighten Your Load

Large flower pots can become heavy once they are full of soil. To lighten your load, it is advisable that you fill your pot with packing peanuts. You can use a piece of landscape on top of peanuts. This makes your pot lighter and improves drainage as well.

What If you don’t have room to Garden?

You may have great gardening ideas, but unfortunately, you don’t have space to garden. If you live in an apartment, you can still create some gardening space. If you have limited or no gardening space, then you can try any of the following gardening tips discussed below:

Apartment Gardening

Apartment gardening is just where you grow crops in your apartment. There are several methods you can use to bring outdoors inside and grow amazing crops in your apartment. Even if you don’t reside in an apartment, you can still apply the principles to grow crops in your home garden. The good thing is that you can use things that are lying in your house to make an apartment garden.

Container gardening

If you opt to use any of the gardening tips above, then you will be making use of container gardening concept. Container gardening helps people with limited space and makes pest control manageable. It is a great way of introducing your kids to gardening.

Lasagna Gardening

This is a form of gardening that is ideal for people who have extra space in their backyards. It sounds delicious, but unfortunately, you will not be growing the actual lasagna here. It is a no-till, no-dig form of organic gardening that results in fluffy, rich soil with little effort from the gardener. If you want to read more about gardening, then kindly visit https://growlightcentral.com/blogs/news/beginners-guide-to-gardening for more information.


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