Libby Says

JUST LET ME LIE DOWN – Short Synopsis Sunday

From the Publisher:
Kristin van Ogtrop knows she’s lucky–fulfilling career, great husband, three healthy kids, and, depending on the hamster count, an impressive roster of pets. She also knows she is tired. Always.

Using stories and insights from her own life, she provides a lexicon for the half-insane working mom. Anyone who has left a meeting to race to the Halloween parade immediately understands van Ogtrop’s definition of “Kill the messenger”as“The action you must take in order to forget about the office for a time–that is, to remove your Blackberry/Treo/iPhone/whatever from your person and store it as far away as your neurotic self will allow.” Filled with essays, lists, and resonant observations, JUST LET ME LIE DOWN establishes van Ogtrop as the Erma Bombeck of the new millennium.

My Thoughts:
I am so very very grateful that I was a stay at home mom. LOL, but honestly, there is no way that I could ever make enough money to pay for childcare.  I truly feel for those who must fill two sets of shoes.

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