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Learning is FUN with Kits from Teach My

You and Your Child Will Love Teach My

Lately, I have been having the dreaded “Mom Guilt”.  This is because I’ve let life get in the way of giving my 3 year old son a head start in learning. Having an older son in 2nd grade, I have learned that going into kindergarten, with no prior knowledge is just not going to cut it! I mean kindergarten is now like what 1st grade use to be. So, in order to get rid of the “Mom Guilt”, I have started using the Teach My Preschooler learning kit with my 3 year old.

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LEFT – Teach My Preschooler Bathtime Spelling Learning Set: Features: 26 Foam Letters, 5 Double Sided Bath Spelling Mats, 2 Bath Crayons, 1 Bath Book, Teaching Guide, Storage Bag. RIGHT – Teach My Preschooler Learning Kit – Deluxe Version: Teach My Preschooler Reading Learning Set, Teach My Preschooler Printing Learning Set, Teach My Preschooler Numbers to 100 Learning Set, Teach My Preschooler Math Learning Set. Features: 10 Readers, 60 Flashcards,1 Flashcard Reward Tin, 1 Magic Drawing Board, 72 Print Transparencies & Printing Guide,101 Train Flashcards, 2 Posters, 1 Add/Subtract Flip-Books, Foam Numbers, Counters and Equation Signs, Teaching Guide, Storage case.

Teach My

The Teach My learning kits are pretty awesome. Not only do they come in neat, re-sealable bags (and the deluxe versions have a storage case, too, keeping me organized) but they also have a recommended time of only 20 minutes a day. This is perfect for a 3 year old’s short attention span… and busy mom schedules! The learning kits come with a manual to guide the teaching process and can be tailored to your child and their needs.

Teach My

There are so many different ways to play with the learning kits; they even have ones for the bath tub! My child likes to pretend like the train themed flash cards, in the Preschooler learning kit, are a real moving train. When we are working with the number flash cards, we have to make Choo Choo sounds and move the train up when adding a new “number car”.

About Teach My

Teach My are makers of award winning learning tools that help your child get a head start! Our products teach babies, toddlers and preschoolers the basic skills, things like; the alphabet, colors, shapes, numbers, reading and even math! Our aim is to encourage early learning, parent child interaction, self-esteem and help children to develop fine motor skills and excellent hand eye coordination. Bond. Teach. Play… 20 minutes a day!

The Teach My learning kits have my son asking for more! He even reminds me that we need to do his “school” each day, which in my book is a win, win!

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Teach My has kits for Babies, Toddlers and Preschoolers.

Learn More and Connect with Teach My: Shop | Facebook | Twitter

5 thoughts on “Learning is FUN with Kits from Teach My

  • A kit like this makes learning fun for kids who might not otherwise show an interest.

  • We got the kindergarten kit and it has helped my son so much! He loves the money kit, comes with a wallet, money and even coins. He incorporates it in alot of the little games we play. This kit sounds great too!

  • This is great for the kids they will learned
    a lot from them

  • I love these kits!! I love that they separate each subject and have different materials to make learning each subject fun and different!! Great way to keep attention!!

  • My 4 yr old granddaughter could really use this, I wish I would have know about it sooner. She starts Kindergarten this year. I think that these could help kids that are in school too.


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