Little And Large Snafus That Can Ruin Your Curb Appeal
We all know that curb appeal is, simply put, one of the most important aspects when it comes to driving the value of your home on first impression alone. However, you might also worry about what the exterior of the home says about you and your family. Here, we’re going to look at some of the little and large issues that can really spoil your exterior, and what you can do about them.
Snafus That Can Ruin Your Curb Appeal
Get rid of old tech additions to the home
One of the tackiest things to find in any home is dated and old-looking technology. Given that things are becoming a lot slimmer and more streamlined, you should make sure that you’re staying up to date with your tech, and nowhere is this more relevant to the curb appeal of your home than with your aerial. Installing a new exterior aerial can make them a lot less immediately obvious from the outside. You might not be able to do away with it entirely, but you can certainly make some improvements as to how much of a footprint your aerial has.
What good is a façade?
The walls and windows of the home tend to play the biggest role in how the home, in its entirety, looks from the outdoors, If yours is looking a little old and faded, then sometimes a lick of paint might be just enough to do the job. However, if not, then you might want to look at investing in a new exterior facade, such as cladding, that can change the entire look and even texture of the home’s exterior.
Neglect the garage no longer
Because it’s not quite a part of the home itself, it’s easy for the garage to go overlooked, from its roof to its wall to its doors. It might be time to take a closer look at that add-on and to make sure that it presents itself as best as possible. A broken, dented, and old garage door is the biggest offender, so be sure to invest in garage door repair when that happens. Aside from looking good, it’s going to help restore some utility to a part of the property that can, all too often, go woefully underused.
Covering up your utilities
If you’re like many homeowners, then you might have noticed some utility cabinets or fixtures on the outside, such as ventilation grates, entire AC bases, electric meter boxes, and more. If that’s the case, then you might want to look at steps you can take to innocuously cover them up. Sometimes, it might be as simple as choosing a great potted plant that can cover it up to make it more noticeable from a difference or you might conjure up a DIY cover that makes them a lot less jarring against the rest of the home’s exterior. You want to make sure that you’re still able to access the actual utility, however.
With the tips above, you can make sure that there aren’t any little or large issues affecting the curb appeal of the home, helping you feel much more confident about its exterior.
This is useful advice for homeowners. A coat of paint on outside walls can freshen them up and look great.
curve appeal is so important by giving your home a coat of paint it has freshened it up to the whole world.
Such great tips. My in-laws have recently painted the boundary walls and covered all the electric meter boxes. It looks so neat and beautiful now 😍.
My curb appeal can use some help right now. Our house needs painted and the weeds need pulling.
Satellite dishes are such an eye sore…we haven’t had one for years, but the dishes are still on our tree.
Though it is really nice to look neat and clean physically, just don’t sacrifice some handy things you might be exchanging them for. Just a friendly reminder
I had the satellite dishes removed from my roof when they put my new roof on. I’m glad I asked bc they look tacky in my opinion. Plus, I don’t use cable or dish services.
Such an awesome article to read especially to those who are gonna renovate, these are definitely great tips and very detailed. I’ll note everything for my future reference. Thanks!
This is a really great and very informative post! Thanks for sharing these tips, this would help us a lot!
I am always trying to update my curb appeal, but it can be hard as most times we spend our time outback and I tend to focus more on that.
This is very informative and great information, I’ll be sure to remember these. Thanks for sharing!
The curb appeal of the home is so important. Your advice will help to improve it a lot!
Thank you for the tips. I would really like to have our windows updated or changed soon!
These are good points. I think I could probably do better with covering up our utilities. A lot of people have clutter and trash in their yards and it would be so easy just to do a once-over and get things picked up.
Love this and all great tips here 😉 I Do hate this dishes when they are on the roof of a home…. good for us we have none of the things on or on our home 😉