
Nutrisystem Week 7 #NSNation

I am a #NSNation Blogger for Nutrisystem.  I have been provided with 28 days worth of food, for the period of 3 months.  No monetary compensation has been received, and I have been asked to provide my honest opinions.  Please seek guidance from a health care professional before beginning a diet and or diet and exercise program.

WOW- I can’t believe that this is my Nutrisystem Week 7 #NSNation Post.  It seems like I just started this journey!

Nutrisystem Week 7

Alas, I still do not have a new scale BUT I will tell you about something FANTASTIC that happened to me last Sunday morning.

I was getting ready for church.  I couldn’t find the skirt that I wanted to wear.  I looked and looked and looked, to no avail.  Out of desperation, I grabbed a skirt that I haven’t been able to wear for over a year now.  I thought that maybe I could wear a sweater coat over it (yes in the 100 degree weather, here in the South) to cover all the bulges.  I was absolutely gobsmacked when I tried it on, and it FIT.  Yes, it fit. I could hardly believe it.  Did a happy dance – which frightened the dogs, if you must know.

So, I’m happy….Shouting it – I’M HAPPY  Lesson Learned:

Scales are not necessarily a must in a dieters arsenal!

What is necessary is a plan, a goal, and determination.  These I have.  I’m determined to ramp up my plan, and follow through until I reach my goal.  I have another 5 weeks on Nutrisystem and I’m going to make those weeks count.  When my 3 months as a #NSNation blogger are over I would, of course, be delighted if they would honor me with an extended “campaign”, but if not, then I will use the tools that I have gained, and continue on,with a healthy lifestyle.

Step by Step.  Day by Day.  I will get stronger.  I will get healthier.  I will lose weight – and I’ll look better and feel better!

My absolute FAVORITE meal this week was the brand spankin’ new Meatloaf Sandwich.  I would gladly eat this every single night for the rest of my life – and I can’t believe that I didn’t take a picture of it {sigh}.

I did snap a photo of breakfast one morning. This is the Canadian Bacon & Egg White Biscuit.

NS Breakfast
Their Canadian Bacon & Egg White Biscuit #NSNation

Dont’ judge me…I see nothing wrong with consuming dill pickles, grape tomatoes and chopped green bell peppers with my breakfast entree!

No deprivation with this delicious food.

Check their website out and see for yourself, all the great food that they have to offer.

If you decide to try out Nutrisystem tell them Libby sent ya;-)

4 thoughts on “Nutrisystem Week 7 #NSNation

  • That’s great! It’s good to know that Nutrisystem has tasty food, too.

  • Keep up the good work, Libby! (:
    This looks quite tasty as well! I will definitely have to check this out!

  • Nutri system has tasty food,awesome.Gives my courage to try this


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