Business & Finance

The Different Types of Bollards and Their Uses

When it comes to outdoor public places, like schools, shopping centers, and car parks, bollards are a  feature that we will all be used to seeing. You may not realize it, but there is a huge variety of bollards to choose from to protect a space, whether you’re looking for the strongest, most durable option like cast iron bollards, or something a little more functional, like fold-down bollards – there is an option to suit all spaces and needs. Below, we’ll take a closer look at the various different types of bollards to choose from, and some of their attributes.

Stainless steel bollards

These bollards are made from stainless steel, which can make for both a sturdy and modern-looking bollard. Using stainless steel means that you can implement a semi-permanent, yet strong solution into the surroundings of your building so that you can take advantage of the benefits that come with stainless steel bollards, but also have the option to move them if you need to. Stainless steel is also recyclable, so if you are looking to reduce your carbon footprint and become more sustainable, using this material could be the best option. So, what are the uses of stainless-steel bollards? They are perfect for limiting access, whether that’s around your home or a business premises. They primarily act as a barrier and can help to create safe walkways for pedestrians, limiting cars from being able to approach the area. As well as being beneficial for keeping people safe, they can also be used to ensure that people don’t park illegally around your premises, preventing them from mounting the curb.

Fold down bollards

This type of bollard is different in a few ways from some of the most traditional like the stainless steel option we looked at above. These fold-down bollards are made from heavy-duty material that comes with both galvanized and stainless-steel finishes. They are primarily used to prevent people from parking in space that does not belong to them, but they can also be installed at the end of your driveway or near your garage to help protect your premise. The fold-down element of the bollard means you can implement a bollard at the front or back of your car parking space, that you can fold down when you want to park there and fold the bollard back up when you leave. These bollards lock in place so whilst you will be able to move it when necessary, no one else will, meaning you no longer need to worry about someone taking your allocated space!

Concrete bollards

These bollards are some of the most traditional in look and are incredibly heavy-duty. They are long-lasting and durable, so you can be assured that you’ll get the most from your money from this product. Concrete bollards are the most commonly used to protect pedestrian areas from cars mounting the curb, as well as on the perimeter of buildings to protect businesses from the threat of ram raids and unwanted vandalism. They are one of the most reliable types of bollards that you can use to secure a public area for extra peace of mind. They are easy to install, and they won’t look out of place either, using natural materials that blend in, rather than materials that stand out from their surroundings.

Illuminated bollards

These are some of the most effective bollards that you can use to help you light up dark areas. They are both heavy-duty, robust bollards that even offer environmentally friendly lighting options if you’re keen on reducing your carbon footprint. They can run off solar panels with no need for electricity – resulting in a continuous, bright glow. These bollards are perfect for placing in dark, public places so that people can have peace of mind that they don’t have to walk in a dimly lit area, which can be dangerous. They could also be a perfect option for walkways around commercial buildings, and to implement into the surroundings of your own home to deter any intruders.


One thought on “The Different Types of Bollards and Their Uses

  • Thanks for explaining how a bollard light could be used to illuminate various areas around your property. I never knew that these are made with durable materials to ensure their longevity. I think my uncle can use these ideas to boost the illumination factor of his backyard when having guests over.


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