Libby Says

What's Lurking Under YOUR Sink? – Shaklee Review & Giveaway #GetClean

I recently accepted the challenge to see What was Lurking Under My Sink…thanks to Shaklee Corporation and MomSpark Media.

Here is what my cabinet looked like…can you believe how much stuff there is?  And you can’t even see what’s in the back!

I was asked to check out the “ingredients” and to carefully read the information on the products that I was using.  Many of them didn’t even list what was in them (although they did provide a phone number and web address to obtain answers), but they sure had plenty of warnings.

DANGER: Corrosive… Harmful if Swallowed…Wear Rubber Gloves…Use in Well Ventilated Area…Use Safety Glasses…Do NOT Breath Mist or Vapors. AND – what the heck is glycol ether?

I must admit, that at first, I wasn’t very concerned, since I no longer have children in my home, but after thinking about it for a while, I began to wonder why I should expose myself, my husband and my dogs, to so many harmful chemicals. I have numerous medical conditions, including asthma, and after doing some research, I discovered that I am putting myself at risk, by using so many different caustic cleaners.

Shaklee to the RESCUE!

They sent me a fantastic Get Clean Starter Kit, to replace all the other cleaners that I’ve been using. Now, I have to be honest – I was quite skeptical when I read the following:

Outperforms 20 national leading brands.

·         You would spend $3400 for ready to use cleaners to get the same amount of clean found in the Get Clean    Starter Kit!*

·         Features Basic H2® Organic Super Cleaning Concentrate – just 1/4 tsp. makes 16oz. of all-purpose cleaner for only 3 cents.

·         And when you purchase the Get Clean Starter Kit you also make a positive impact on the planet:

·         Keep 108 pounds of packaging waste from landfills.

·         Eliminate 248 pounds of greenhouse gas.

* Based on comparing number of uses as set forth on product labels of conventional, ready-to-use cleaners.

HERE is what was in the kit, that I was sent!

{Image  above, courtesy of Shaklee Corporation}

With Shaklee, it isn’t about what is in their products, but about what’s NOT in their products. Shaklee products, have been reviewed and endorsed for their safety, by Healthy Child Healthy World {}.  They believe that health isn’t just about what you put in your body; it’s about everything around you. We bring you a full line of natural and nontoxic cleaning choices that are Safe for You, Your Home, and Your Planet®called Get Clean®.

Just look at this – I filled the three spray bottles, with the Basic H2® Organic Super Cleaning Concentrate, and this was all that was needed! It barely looks like anything was used from the bottle.

The laundry products, and the dish washing liquid are great!
I’ve now used all the items that were sent to me, and they worked really really well. They cut grease, left no residue, and left no streaks.

I will need to get used to the fact that they are scent free. I’m so accustomed to using cleaning/laundry products that are highly scented, which I kind of like…I think that I will experiment with adding some essential oils, and see if that helps to “fill that void”.

Now – for the BIG REVEAL…here is what is now residing very happily, under my sink! Huge difference. I feel really good about this.  I’m living greener, and I couldn’t be happier about that:-)

Woo-Hoo for you…I get to give away a:

A Shaklee Mini Household Kit to one lucky reader [$46.95]

This review and giveaway was made possible by the Shaklee Corporation & Mom Spark Media. Incentives, product and support were provided,having said that…ALL opinions are 100% my own.

To enter, fill out the Rafflecopter form.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

27 thoughts on “What's Lurking Under YOUR Sink? – Shaklee Review & Giveaway #GetClean

  • I’m too scared to look under my kitchen sink!!! I know that we have bleach and that there is also Comet and Soft Scrub under there . . . I hate cleaning with them because I feel “sick” afterwards!

  • Hydochloric Acid and the petroleum distillates and petroleum spirits and D-Limonene , this can cause severe eye irritation and respiratory tract irritation and can effect your nervous system, how horrible. I think I need to win this giveaway!

  • I found most of those chemicals in my husband’s stash of cleaners – but I use just steam, vinegar, and dish soap when I clean.

  • I have recently moved into my house and under the sink is empty still. But my box of cleaners is so large that I don’t think everything is going to fit under there. :'(

  • I don’t keep cleaners unde my kitchen sink, but I do have cleaners with some of those ingredients.

  • I found kerosene, acids I couldn’t pronounce, and chlorine bleach. I thought I would need the bleach products to get bathroom clean.

  • I use mostly chlorine bleach to clean everything and for the laundry I use vinegar, so boring would love to win!

  • I have been starting to use “greener” products to clean my home. Mostly because I don’t like the chemical smell of cleaners and because we have small kids in the house.

  • I found sulfuric acid, ammonia, sodium hydroxide, phosphoric acid, formaldehyde, and chlorine bleach. Yuck! =/

  • YIKES! Over 3/4 of my stuff has that in!!! And there’s just straight chlorine bleach too!!

  • I have chlorine, ammonia, sodium hydroxide, phosphoric acid

  • Ha! My 409 doesn’t even list the ingredients other than the dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride! I know there are other chemicals listed that are in it too. My glass cleaner, I can’t even read the ingredient list because it’s on the back of the front label and you can’t read it through the blue liquid…accidental or not?!?! I think not! We have been trying to buy greener products (and some under my sink are like the Tropical Traditions All-Purpose Cleaner) but they are so much more expensive to replace and I hate to throw out the bad cleaners we do have!

  • Only chlorine bleach over the counter.

  • I found ammonia and bleach

  • I KNOW there are too many things! I’m scared to look!


  • My cleaners aren’t under my kitchen sink, but most of the cleaners I use contain at least some of the ingredients listed.

  • “Shaklee – a full line of natural and nontoxic cleaning choices that are Safe for You, Your Home, and Your Planet®called Get Clean®.”

    It has been a long time since I heard anything about this company and I am looking forward to trying some of their new products.

    • BTW: I found some of those nasty chemicals under my sink but I am trying to get them out one by one.

  • thank you for the chance at such a great giveaway. i have been wanting to go with a greener product line for awhile but didn’t know which one was for real and which ones just claimed to be “green”. as for under my sink i have vinegar, windex and bleach. those are the only things i use anymore, except for the occaional ajax/comet when i have a tough stain.

    tammy ramey
    [email protected]

  • Lots of bad things I can’t even pronounce and ammonia.

  • We’ve got the chlorine bleach but mostly I use vinegar & alcohol to clean…
    inalak at msn dot com

  • I have chlorine bleach and dish liquid under my sink. I don’t/

    • oops sorry… I have bleach and dish liquid under my sink. I don’t/cant use many cleaners or sprays because most are not safe to use with birds in the house.
      chocho1957 at

  • I only have two cleaners under the sink, plus Clorox above the washer.
    My glass cleaner has “biodegradable cleaning agents,” fragrance and water. And my multi-surface has basically the same, with solvents.

  • annomia and petroleum distallets thanks


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