Home and Garden

6 Signs Your Home Needs Work ASAP

Do you find yourself wondering whether you should have work done to your home? Work can be expensive, but of course it all depends on what you need to be done, whether you’re trying to sell, add value, or whether you simply want to make sure your home is future-proof. 

Below, we’ll take a look at a few signs that your home needs work ASAP:

     1.No One Wants To Buy It

If you’re not getting any interest online and your goal is to sell, then you probably need to splash out a little and spruce up your home – this is especially the case if neighboring properties are selling. You need to ask yourself why similar properties in your street are selling but not yours, and the answer will usually be because you need something done. 


Water damage can easily be concealed with paint, but this then traps moisture in the walls and leads to mold. This is bad for anybody to breathe, especially older people and children. Even if you have areas where you notice mold and you’re not sure where it originated, you should do something about it. Homegearexpert.com wrote a great guide on what to do if you find mold in your home.

Small living room with wood-work frame hanging from ceiling - Signs Your Home Needs Work

     3 You Have A Damaged Roof

Your roof is one of your main defences against external stressors to your home. A well maintained high quality roof can last more than 30 years – but if your roof seems to be falling apart you’ll need to fix it up ASAP. A new roof is by no means cheap, but you absolutely must protect your home adequately. 

     4. You Have Plumbing Issues

You can think of your plumbing as the ‘guts’ of the house, and you’ll usually know if you have these issues due to water stains, sagging floors, and mildew. You may even have issues with sewer lines and old septic tanks. You might want to look into traditional sewer line replacement, for example. 

     5. Your Flooring Looks Off

Perhaps something about your flooring looks off now. It’s the one part of the house that gets constant pressure put on it, so it needs to hold up under stress. You’ll often notice the first hint that you need something done to your floors in the kitchen or bathroom. Make sure you select water resistant flooring in rooms that have to come up against more moisture than other rooms. Also consider factors like the occupants of a room, temperature, and so on. 

     6.You Need More Space 

Maybe your family is growing, or you’re simply accumulating more stuff. This happens as you spend more time in a home. You can either declutter and minimalize, or you can add an extension of some kind to create more space. An architect will help you to look at your existing home and come up with an idea for renovation that will suit the way you and your family live. However, do bear in mind that once your kids move out (if you have them) your house may begin to feel too large. It may be better at first to simply see how you can clear a few things out. 


One thought on “6 Signs Your Home Needs Work ASAP

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