Asking the Experts: What Are the 8 Fundamental Rules for Self-Defense?
When it comes to defending yourself, rules don’t exist. Your major concern should be securing your safety by any means necessary. If that means deadly force, you are within your rights to engage those means. When considering the fundamentals for self-defense, there are some things you should keep in mind that can help you to be a less likely target and escape an attack with your life.
1. Get Some Training
Whether you take a self-defense class or take in comprehensive LTC education content from a reputable provider is up to you. But there is no substitution for training and practice. The more you know and practice, the better prepared you will be in the event of an attack.
2. Be Aware
Being aware of your surroundings and those around you is imperative. This information can clue you in on what could happen, escape routes, possible weapons, and more. Acute awareness may prevent you from being in a most vulnerable position.
3. The Attacker Wants to Hurt You
If you assume that your attacker intends on hurting you, you are more likely to strike more aggressively. It is best for you to strike first and the hardest. You can lower your force, but taking control of the fight gives you the upper hand.
4. Practice for the Real World
Typical self-defense practice happens in a wide-open room. Reality is a lot different. There are things around us, from trash to trees to ice. We can’t control where and when we are attacked, so practice outside of a training room when you can.
5. Escape
Even if you think you have “won” the fight and your attacker is down, you still need to make a hasty retreat. Incapacitate your attacker and get far away as soon as possible. Never assume an attacker is out because he’s down. It’s not over until you are sure you are safe.
6. Size Is Not in Your Favor
Attackers will almost always choose the path of least resistance. This means that unless an attacker is using deadly force, he will likely choose a victim that is smaller and easier to overpower. Fight with this disadvantage in mind. Improvise a weapon and use forward drive to increase your size.
7. Be Confident
It helps to appear confident. If an attacker doesn’t think you are an easy target, you’re less likely to be targeted. Move with purpose and confidence, walk with your head up and shoulders back, make eye contact, and know your surroundings. Project strength, not weakness.
8. Don’t Be a Victim
Being attacked is never your fault, but there are things you can do to minimize your likelihood of being attacked. Don’t appear to be alone. Don’t keep your face in your cell phone. Give clear verbal warnings if you are approached. Be aware of your surroundings. Don’t be an easy target.
No one wants to be the victim of an attack or have to injure someone, but unfortunately, these things happen. Don’t go through life hoping that you never encounter an attacker. It’s better to prepare yourself so you’ll know what to do and how to best protect yourself.
I like this important post and info. And I really should be better prepared.