
DARK SIDE OF VALOR – Review / Tour


by Alicia Singleton

About Dark Side of Valor

From the Publisher:

Child advocate Lelia Freeman saves children for a living. As the director of ChildSafe Shelters, she ventures to abandoned squats and crackhouses to rescue teens from the hellish streets of Los Angeles. When she is summoned to Washington to serve on a committee that aids the children of a war-torn African nation, Lelia is kidnapped and becomes a political pawn in a sinister conspiracy. Oceans away from everything she knows, she must trust a mercenary to save her life, or die in the clutches of a psychopath.
Hunting, combat and staying alive are Elijah Dune’s specialties. Vengeance is his passion. Haunted by past demons, he’s travels to the Motherland to collect a debt. A debt that demands one payment. Death.
Caught in the crosshairs of a madman, Lelia and Elijah must survive the jungles of Zaire and the horrors of their pasts or be forever consumed by the DARK SIDE OF VALOR.

About Alicia Singleton:

Born and raised in Philadelphia, the Howard University graduate embraced the written word at an early age. She credits this to her loving, older sister whom, while they were youngsters, made the author eat lotion on a regular basis. Realizing the need to sound-out the ingredients on the lotion label, Alicia stopped the lotion-eating practice, but continued to read the labels of the concoctions her sister brought for her to try. This early necessity to read flowered to a passion; hence, a writer was born.
The award winning author resides in Maryland with her wonderful husband and son.  Still an avid reader, label or otherwise, Alicia is hard at work completing her next suspense novel.  Her latest book is the suspense novel, Dark Side of Valor.  Visit Alicia’s website at www.aliciasingleton.com.
My Review:
I’ve been trying for several days, to decide how to go about this particular book tour/review. Is this novel going to become a classic?  Probably not. Will it be on a top 10 list? I’m guessing , no.  Will masses be lining up to purchase it? Nope…and that’s a darn shame, because if I had to rate DARK SIDE OF VALOR,  on a scale of 1 – 10, I’d give it a 12.
Folks, this is what a good book is all about. 
  • Great Plot
  • Well Developed Characters
  • Fast Moving
  • Gripping
  • Suspenseful
  • Filled with Detail & And an ending that will leave you satisfied, yet wanting more.

All this – without gratuitous sex, foul language, or graphic repeated violence… just for the sake of violence.

Alicia Singleton’s DARK SIDE OF VALOR proves that there are still authors that can write a story that stands on it’s own legs…not resorting to “flash and filth”!
Bravo Ms. Singleton…I look forward with great anticipation, to your next book, and I thank you for the honor of allowing me to be a part of your tour with Pump Up Your Book.

* I received a copy free of charge, in exchange for this review. My post is 101% my own thoughts, and I truly enjoyed this book, from cover to cover!

0 thoughts on “DARK SIDE OF VALOR – Review / Tour

  • This sounds excellent! I miss reading. I read a TON when I was pregnant but now, well let’s just say I have a few other things to keep me busy. I need to make time to read again though – such a great mental escape. I’ll put this on my “must read” list!


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