Get and STAY Organized in 2018
Disclaimer: I have received a copy of Organizing For Your Lifestyle, in exchange for review. All opinions stated are 100% Mine.
I think, like me, many people start out the new year, with plans to organize their homes, offices and lives. January gives us the opportunity for a fresh perspective.
I’ve always love organization…the problem is, FOLLOW THROUGH. One can purchase every organization book on the market, storage containers and the lot, but if there is no follow through it’s all for nothing.
Our home has a revolving door. I never know who and how many are going to be living under our roof, so I really need to get my butt in gear and set up a way for me to be organized – no matter what the circumstances.
I receive a copy of Organizing For Your Lifestyle: Adaptable Inspirations from Socks to Suitcases, by Jane Stoller. Paperback
About the Author:
Stoller was born and raised in Canada. Her love of organization began as a child. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in History and Political Science and a Master’s in Business Administration. She currently lives in Zurich, Switzerland and works in the construction industry.
This paperback book starts with a quiz to help one discover their organizing style. Then it has 7 chapters to work through:
- Chapter 1: The Science Behind Organization and Stress
- Chapter2: Closet
- Chapter 3: Bathroom
- Chapter 4: Kitchen
- Chapter 5: Travel
- Chapter 6: Books
- Chapter 7: Storage
There are photos and hand drawings in black and white, through out. I loved the chapter on Travel. My family and friends will tell you – I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO PACK LIGHT! My motto has pretty much been – take as much as I can JUST IN CASE. Stroller breaks down everything from exactly what to keep in a travel wallet to how to pack toiletries and best carry-on luggage. She lists (from her own extensive experience) the clothing and accessories that she has found most useful and functional…even sharing tips on folding techniques.
Great for beginners. This is a quick read and will not weigh you down with the feeling that you need to go out and buy every new organization product on the market!
Cluttered Mess to Organized Success, by Cassandra Aarssen
About the author:
Cassandra Aarssen is a Professional Organizer who shares easy and inexpensive organizing tips and tricks through her blog and YouTube channel called ClutterBug. A self-proclaimed “super slob”, Cas transformed her home and her life through organization and now she is determined to help others do the same.
Her first book “Real Life Organizing” gives the reader easy and painless ways to declutter and organize their home on a small budget. For more about her blog, go here———->ClutterBug.
I found Cassandra while perusing YouTube. I don’t think that I specifically was looking for organization tips, but it was probably when looking at Dollar Tree Haul Videos. One can get totally lost when on YouTube. After watching one video you head to another and another. Aarssen’s quick wit and engaging smile kept me coming back for more. I decided to purchase her workbook from Amazon. Although much more detailed than Strollers book, it still doesn’t overwhelm. Just the opposite in fact. If you love lists (like I do) you won’t be disappointed. There are over 100 Checklists and Worksheets plus access to Free Full Downloads. Checklists and Worksheets can be left in the book or removed, as they are printed in such a way that they can be easily cut out to place in a binder or other type of storage. For me, there is nothing much more satisfying than making a list and checking off my accomplishments.
FlyLady, (the brain child or Marla Cilley) is a program that has been around for quite a few years. I started using it eons ago, when all 10 kids were still living at home. It is free to use, but there is a FlyLady Shop where one can purchase books, cleaning (I really recommend the Swish and Swipe Bundle) and organizational products. Based on a Cleaning Routines via a rotation of Zones throughout the house, and using baby steps to get into the routing of keeping your come clean and clutter free. What to play along? Sign up for weekly Games to make cleaning fun. Her cleaning and organizational philosophy is Progress not Perfection. Her Swish and Swipe routine will keep your bathroom neat and clean.
FlyLady on YouTube Another great person to check out is a successful Flyer (Life Coach and Former FlyLady Mentor) – Diane in Denmark. I love watching her go through her daily routines, and I love “looking out” her kitchen window.