Is Now A Good Time To Have A Clear Out?
We all like a good clear out. If we can block out the day, get some donation bags open, roll up our sleeves and declutter, our space feels cleaner, fresher, and like it has a lot more potential. Human beings are naturally primed to like living in tidy spaces, so the more you clear out or organize the debris in your home, the better you’re going to feel about living there!
However, you can’t just have a clear out on a random afternoon when you haven’t done any of the prep work! You’ve got to plan an action strategy and then execute it to perfection. To do that, you’re going to need to pick your moment perfectly and then go all in.
With that in mind, here are some questions to ask before you start decluttering. Giving yourself enough time to get it all done and get the house back into working order afterwards cannot be understated!
What Season is it?
Winter feels like a good season to have a clear out, doesn’t it? You’re more likely to have time off work, your relatives are around more often, and you want to make some space in the house before all the gifts are unwrapped at Christmas. However, winter isn’t necessarily a good season to get this kind of work done.
It’s cold and dreary outside, most places close earlier than usual, and if you’re affected by SAD, you’re not going to have the same amount of energy. As such, if you want to get a big clear out done before December, aim to start in September or early October. This way you’ll have a few more daylight hours to work with, it won’t be super cold out, and you won’t be worrying about holiday plans either!
Does Your Exterior Need Work?
A clear out shouldn’t only focus on the inside of the home. It should be something you incorporate the exterior into as well. Garden waste can build up at double the rate interior clutter does, and with wind and rain beating down at a moment’s notice, your backyard can end up pretty significantly grimy!
Factor this into your plans. How long has it been since you cleared out the garden or gave your siding a good wash? Companies like LA Softwash can be called out for the latter, which will certainly save you some time during your clear out schedule, but you need to pick a dry and sunny day for this.
How Much Time Do You Have to Spare?
Clear outs take hours, even when you work fast. Don’t trick yourself into thinking you can get the bulk of the work done between lunch and needing to pick the kids up from school!
Think about the clear outs you’ve done in the past. How long did they take and how much time did you realistically need to declutter to a satisfactory point? Note the timing down and hold onto it, as you need to pick a time in your schedule when you have this exact amount of hours available with about 20% extra just in case.
Has the Job Been Building for a While?
Of course, sometimes you just want to get started and get rid of as much as possible. In this case, it’s worth it to think about how long you’ve been planning a clear out and how long you’ve been putting one off. If it’s been more than a year since you first got the idea, maybe it’s time to get to action and put that motivation to good use!
Even if you don’t quite have the time necessary, if the job has been building for a while (and ONLY in this case), get started ASAP by focusing on one room (or room section) at a time. Remember, you don’t have a proper plan to follow, so you don’t want to overwhelm yourself!
So, is Now the Time to Have a Good Clear Out?
If you can tick off all the points of the above, and you’re raring to get going already, then we can safely say yes! Don’t fall into the trap of feeling like you need to tidy up right now; give yourself the right amount of time, space, and get yourself into the mindset for throwing things away. If possible, wait until a friend or family member has availability to help you out; decluttering goes twice as fast if you’ve got a like minded individual on the team!
Feature Image Source: Pexels CCo License
It helps me feel better organized if I sort things out at least once a year.
I love clearing things out and organizing my rooms! It definitely makes me feel a lot more relaxed and happier when things are clear of clutter.
I have so much work to do on my house and my life! No time like the present!