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Mary Mary Quite Contrary How Does Your Garden Grow

Mary Mary Quite Contrary How Does Your Garden Grow? 

Who knows about Mary, but mine is growing great!

How Does Your Garden Grow

The corn has shot up and the pumpkin has gone crazy.

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My Garden Beds

We’ve got loads of blooms on the tomatoes, green bell peppers, zucchini and eggplants, as well as the watermelons and cantaloupes. We’ve got several of baby pumpkins and lots blooms that will turn into pumpkins in the next few days.  I could kick myself for not planting more peas.  They are so good.  Sweet and crunchy.  They aren’t going to make it to the kitchen because I keep eating them while I’m putzing around in the yard.

Pation Vegetables  Collage
My Patio Garden

The mint has gone wild, and the herbs too.  I’m going to plant more lettuce, as it seems to do best when a bit crowded in the pot.  Oh, the smell of the mint and the herbs.  Spearmint, peppermint and chocolate mint.  Each with it’s own distinct aroma.  I love to crush the rosemary in my fingers, as well as the basil.  I’m getting hungry just thinking about it.

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Grow Bags

For the last several weeks, I’ve bee glued to Larry Hall’s YouTube channel.  I decided that I wanted to try using some grown bags myself, so Sarah and I hit WalMart the other day, and grabbed about 15 of them.  I wasn’t so sure about using a kiddie pool, so to start with, I’m using plastic pot liners.  Maybe in the near future, I’ll put together a long shallow watering system out of pvc pipe and pond liner material.  . Right now, I’ve got more herbs, red, yellow, and I think, orange bell peppers along with several varieties of cucumbers (which I have along the back fence, hoping that they will grow up the poles). I’m going to add corn to each of the bags.  I just can’t decide if I’m going to seed directly or start then out in seed cups.

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Cucumbers in Grow Bags

Since these grow bags are NOT esthetically pleasing, I’ve ordered some Root Pouches from A.M. Leonard, and when they arrive, I’ll just transfers these bags into the Root Pouches and add more soil to fill in any gaps. I hope that in time, the WalMart bags will decompose.  If not, I’ll remove them before replanting in the fall.

Oh, we got some gardenias.  I just love the smell.  I haven’t decided where I’m going to plant them yet, but I’m excited for them to come into full bloom. One of them is just about ready to explode.

Gardenia Collage

Now, I need to find a great recipe for some mild salsa.  I think that I’m going to have more tomatoes that I’ll ever be able to eat (I’m the only one in our household who will eat a tomatoe:-(  Anyone have a great recipe that you’d like to share?

Legal Mambo Jumbo:  I have no affiliation WalMart (other than the fact that I spend WAY TO MUCH MONEY there), Larry Hall or A.M. Leonard.

8 thoughts on “Mary Mary Quite Contrary How Does Your Garden Grow

  • I’m so jealous of your garden! I’ve just got mine tilled (sp?) will be planting in the next few days after the rain goes away. Can’t wait to eat all my tomatoes!!

  • I like the idea of using bags for gardening. I had never heard of it before reading your post. I need to stop by and get some Okra from you. Great looking garden Libby!

  • Wow, that looks awesome, your garden is looking great!

  • Love your garden. Ours is just getting started for the season.I used grow bags for the first time last year with my tomatoes. They were amazing!! Huge plants with more than we could eat. For the tomatoes, try making a homemade pizza with fresh tomato slices (very thin). They are soooo good!

  • I LOVE all the herbs that you are growing – I have such a black thumb I just seem to kill everything.

  • Very interesting to plant in the bags–never saw that before–I had no idea about them–thanks for sharing

  • That looks awesome! I wish I knew the first thing about gardening. Growing my own food is seriously one of my dreams! Some day….


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