Home and Garden

Mastering the Art of the Minimalist Home: 7 Ways to Achieve It

Life with less. A home that’s simple, elegant and beautiful. The place you can walk into and feel at peace in an instant. It might seem like a difficult feat to accomplish, but it’s not.

What is minimalism?

Minimalism is the focused decision to own only the essentials. 

A minimalist lifestyle doesn’t have to mean a dull, spartan home. 

There are many ways to live mindfully through practices such as decluttering your space, simplifying routines, and embracing less-is-more purchasing choices.

Minimalism does not mean you’re depriving yourself of items you’ve always wanted that make you feel good; in fact, it’s quite the opposite.

Minimalist Home

Here are six ways you can achieve a minimalist home.

1. Clear out the clutter

If you want to enjoy a minimalist home, the first thing to do is make space by removing unnecessary items.

Clutter can weigh you down and make it harder to keep your home tidy. Consider which items are worth the space they require and make room for those that matter most.

For example, an old childhood toy (or your adult child’s toy) might be a collector’s item. But if it’s not, and your son or daughter doesn’t want it, think about donating it to charity. Even if it’s worth something, if it doesn’t bring you joy, sell it.

The critical issue here is being mindful of what has real value or purpose and what you actually use. Many items are easy to pack up and haul away without reservation.

2. Get rid of anything that doesn’t make you happy or bring joy to your life

Part of living a minimalist life is appreciating what you have and being grateful for it.

Often, material items you don’t need can have the opposite effect and make you feel discontent. Old or unworn clothes or shoes and unused electronics or appliances are just a few. Consider donating them—this way, they’re still being used but not taking up unnecessary space in your home.

Sometimes we buy things because they’re on sale or a good deal, but then we realize the item isn’t something our home needs at all. It’s best avoided, but we all make mistakes, and it’s essential to donate or sell those items to take up less space.

3. When buying something new, ask yourself, “Does this add value to my life?”

Before making a new purchase, it’s important to consider whether a new item will add value or be truly helpful over time. One of the easiest ways to keep your house clean and clutter-free is to have less stuff. If you want to have less stuff, then you have to purchase fewer things.

4. Journal what you buy

Often when people purchase something, it gets used only a few times before the sparkle wears off. Try journaling what you buy and noting the date you purchased each item. This will help keep track of what you own and be a reminder to either use an item (maybe it needs to be more accessible or you need to develop a habit) or sell it, donate it, or give it away as a gift.

Journaling will help you become more aware and make conscious decisions when buying something, which can help prevent unnecessary purchases.

5. Avoid impulse buying or “bargain shopping.”

Everyone loves a good sale: it’s a great way to buy high-priced things at an affordable price. However, if you want to declutter your house and start your minimalism journey, try to avoid impulse buying. Instead, go shopping with a well-thought-out list and resist temptation.

Spend your money on items that will make your life easier and more enjoyable in the long term instead of buying something just because it’s a bargain.

6. Try buying modular furniture

If you’re in the market for new furniture, consider modular furniture. It’s great because you can customize it to meet your needs.

The beauty of this type of furniture is that it can grow with you—you won’t have to buy a new couch as your family grows or when you’re downsizing. Plus, you can easily change the look as styles and your own tastes change.

If you add a modular sofa, for example, it will easily fit in any room and give the space an updated look at minimal cost compared to other types of furniture. You can start with two sectional pieces, for example, and as your home or family grows, your sofa can grow with it.

Modular furniture also allows you to choose individual features from distinct sets based on what’s best for the current space or desired style without purchasing something entirely new.

This way, your living room will have less clutter even with additional seating options, and you won’t get stuck with tables that are too large for the space.


The minimalist home is a concept that can be a challenge, but it’s not impossible.

To start your journey toward a minimalist lifestyle, try these tips for organizing and decluttering your space.

If you focus on the idea that less really is more, living in a minimalist home can bring extra value to your life.

Don’t forget: Clear the clutter, buy only what you truly need that brings you joy, journal and make conscious decisions for all purchases, and think seriously about updating with modular furniture.

11 thoughts on “Mastering the Art of the Minimalist Home: 7 Ways to Achieve It

  • I need my stuff. I know minimalist is in, but it’s not for me. If something looks too clean, I get nervous.

  • This post is really informative, thanks for sharing these tips.

  • I like a more minimalist style for the home. Now that my kids are older, I am all about having less clutter and distractions.

  • My daughter and her husband were minimalists, but they have started to find the joy in some collections. They like vintage albums, old books, plants and candles.

  • Love this! Minimalism has always been appealing to me because I just don’t see the point in having tons of stuff.

  • I loooooove this. I am hoping to do something similar in my forever home which is 2 moves away with any luck. At the moment I’m working on clearing clutter. It takes ages as we’ve accumulated so much over the years.

  • I discovered minimalism through Marie Kondo’s show on Netflix and I was obsessed with it. I got rid of a lot of things that don’t make me happy or do not spark joy anymore.

  • Wow! These are all really great tips and ideas! Thanks for sharing this with us! This is so helpful

  • These are perfect ideas, aside from natural and lavender theme I also prefer the minimalist style.

  • I used to prefer this look. While I still like it, I have relaxed my standards a bit as well. The grandkids made me do it. 😉 🙂

  • I try to declutter my home every few weeks as I find happiness while doing it so! You have shared some amazing tips here in this post🙂.


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