Libby Says

My Foot – Cause I Know You Want MORE!

Yep these posts just keep on coming!

If You missed the previous post you can read it here!

Here is the before surgery x-ray.

Here is the after surgery x-ray.

Want to see something REALLY COOL?

Okie Dokie – Here she is folks!

That white thing at the top of my toe is a rubber cap on the wire.

You can see how it comes out of the toe better in this x-ray.

Aren’t you glad that you dropped by!

My Foot – Cause I Know You Want MORE!

20 thoughts on “My Foot – Cause I Know You Want MORE!

  • Ouch!!!! Poor thing! How long does the wire have to stay in?

  • AHHHH oh my gosh that made me cringe from thinking about how much it hurt. You poor thing!

  • I hope heal quickly!

  • I;m pretty good with this kind of stuff – even interested (check our Stiff and Gulp by Mary Roach! Awesome books!) but the Toe of Horror does look like a bit too much pain for me…Hope it heals well!

  • oh my god i can imagine the pain it looks really painful too. Hope everything is alrite now.

  • So sad to see this! 🙁

  • Oh my goodness! That looks horribly painful. How did you break your toe!? I wish the best for you and hope the healing process is quick!

  • I just read the background on your foot/toe! that is crazy! Best of luck in the healing process!

  • Wow, I sure hope this heals quickly. Will you be on crutches a long time?

  • Ouch!! How are you healing now?

  • oh, how painful!! Hopefully you don’t have a lot of stairs in your house, or have someone helping you around 🙂

  • I hope you are already on the mend. I once fractured my ankle and I know the pain of surgery, pins, etc. Health and happiness wishes going your way.

  • Wow, that wire will surely keep your tone bone aligned so it heals! I wish you a speedy recovery! I’ve been through some surgeries myself and it’s remarkable what our bodies can do to heal with the right tools! The way that the wire and rubber is placed is quite interesting. I guess it’s designed that way to maximize the best healing alignment!


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