0 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday – When the Dogs Help with Laundry

  • my dogs too like to help with laundry, make it all fuzzy with their hair again too. got to love them though

  • king is my service dog and go every were and push the baket for me to the room when i have to put stuff way i can not lift stuff and then he only a pom 9 lb

  • haha, I have a 55lb mix and a puppymill survivor pug and they think they are helping with laundry. My mix will take my underclothes out in the yard and play…how embarrassing to see that! My pug will dig out the dryer sheets and leave pieces all over if i forget to grab them first. The funny things they do make my day though!

  • lol aww!! Very cute dogs!! I don’t have dogs myself, but cats, and I love it when they help me with laundry.

  • LOL! My new puppy does this too. She’ll come out of the hallway dragging a pair of sweatpants!

  • My little Shi-Tzu doesn’t help with laundry, but she follows me to the laundry room and makes her a bed in the clothes while Im working. I always throw a warm towel from the dryer for her so I can get to the clothes she is on.

  • I love it! My cat curls up in the warm laundry blanket after they come out of the dryer. She’s walked around with some staticky socks attached to her.

  • When I had a dog she would follow me everywhere and try to “help” me too. So cute.

  • That is too funny! I have two Chihuahuas and the millisecond I put the hot-from-the-dryer basket of clothes on the sofa to fold I have two little doggies digging in the basket to get the best spot! Then I feel like I can’t take that warm and comfy spot away from them. By the time I feel like they have had too much I am too tired to fold the laundry! I can relate very well with your story. Although I only have two kids, I myself have thyroid disease, high blood pressure, am on the waiting list for a complete knee replacement (at 47 years of age) and have SEVERE FIBROMYALGIA! I have lost so many friends since becoming ill. I guess nobody has the patience for a sick woman.

  • Almost as cute (I said ALMOST) as when the cat helps with the toilet paper roll. ooops, I mean “helps!”

  • That is so cute, when we had our dog, all she would do with our laundry was to try and make a bed out of it lol, thank you so much, I needed a good laugh:)

  • God bless them.They’re just little people in fur coats I always say.Nothing can make you laugh like children and pets.I love that you got a picture of them helping you.That’s hilarious.

  • This is truly funny and you have made my day with the picture you took.I really enjoy the good company of pets too.

  • Very cute! Aren’t dogs just wonderful. I had five at one time but I am now down to three. One is a miniature schnauzer who is 12 years old and lives with his father, my ex. Then I have my black lab mix who is 13 who is just a sweetie pie and my baby girl who just turned 1 yesterday. She is a rat terrier/mini pin mix and can get into all kinds of trouble. I wouldn’t be without them though.

  • This is truly funny and you have made my day with the picture you took.I really enjoy the good company of pets too.

  • Lol! My dog has an obsession with my husbands socks!


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