9 Ideas To Give Your Home A Better Sense Of Flow
If there’s one thing every single home should have, whether an entire family live there or a young singleton, it’s a sense of flow. A sense of flow within the home gives a better feel of tranquility. It makes it easier to get from A-B, with as few knocks and scrapes as possible. It allows the entire home to work together.
If this is something you’d like to achieve in your home, look no further than the 9 following ideas:
Leave Enough Space Around Important Furniture Pieces
Make sure you have plenty of space around the most important furniture pieces in your home. Think about the dining table, bed, and other spaces. People should be able to easily take a seat at your dining table, and you should be able to get into your bed with plenty of room either side. Sometimes, in a small room, this isn’t possible. However, you will need to go for smart furniture choices in these instances.
Use Rounded Furniture In Small Spaces
If you do have a small room, consider investing in rounded furniture. These pieces are better for squeezing past; you won’t knock your shins on a sharp coffee table, for example. However, if you think round furniture is boring, you could always go for something irregularly shaped with no sharp corners.
You may be in love with a rectangular coffee table or dining table now, but it will lose the novelty in a few weeks/months when you and your family have bumped into it too many times to count. You want to make your life at home as simple and enjoyable as possible. Make sure you go for practicality over aesthetics.
Bring Rooms Together With The Right Colors
Colors are a wonderful tool for bringing rooms together. With the right colors, you can do just about anything to your home. Make sure you keep edgy colors in enclosed rooms – so, the bathroom, for instance, can be dark and a little different from the rest. However, you should try to use cohesive color groups and continue them through the home. You don’t have to pick exactly the same shade; choose a color family, and stick to it. Make sure you use the rule of proportion when it comes to using colors.
Buy A Pre-Made House Plan
If you’re really struggling to work out how you can make your living space flow, you could always browse somewhere like The House Plan Shop and purchase a pre-made house plan. This will take much of the pressure off you and you can trust that this plan will work in the way you want it to. You can also potentially use apps to design a new home lay out that will work better than your current one.
Choose A Similar Style Throughout The Whole Home
Having an eclectically designed home is wonderful, however, having one where each room appears to be from a different era or decorated in a different style is not. This is not going to create a sense of flow. In fact, it’ll be the worst thing for it. You don’t need to have each room exactly the same, but you should keep a similar style through each room in the home. If you want to experiment with different styles, incorporate small pieces so as not to overwhelm.
Similar Flooring For Smaller Homes
In a smaller home, it’s a good idea to have the same or similar flooring in each room. This will get rid of that ‘stopping and starting’ feel that many find in smaller homes. You can add rugs to bring rooms together too. That being said, you won’t always want to rip up the floor and replace it, especially if you have a bit of a budget.
Add Mirrors
If you didn’t already know, mirrors are a great way to open up a room. You can add big mirrors, small mirrors, or even ornate mirrors depending on the look you want to achieve. Whatever you do, make sure you choose a quality mirror that will help your room to look more open and inviting. Mirrors can do wonderful things for a home. Choose the right size for the wall you plan to hang it on and it could seriously alter the look of your room.
Include A Focal Point
You don’t necessarily need to have a focal point in every room in the home. After all, it can be difficult to figure out how to incorporate them. That being said, focal points can help to give structure to a room, and even direct the flow of a room so that your eyes can naturally settle on one place. You should have a focal point in the living room/lounge area, for instance. There are numerous ways to include focal points, but you can get creative to come up with a way that’s all your own. You could simply paint a wall, add a big ornament, or include multiple things to make it clear that this is the focal point in your home.
Clear The Entryways
The entryways to your home are easy to neglect, as they are so small and secluded that it can feel like they’re not a real room. However, a smooth a clear entryway will set the tone for the rest of your home. Having an entryway that flows will always encourage a clean, clutter free space throughout the rest of your home. Be smart with the entryways in your home and you can make the entire space flow better, as well as feel brighter and more inviting.
Hopefully, these 9 ideas will help you to give your home a much better sense of flow, so you can feel great whatever you may be doing. The home should be our retreat; a safe haven. If you’re not using these tips, it might feel more cluttered and unorganized than flowing and enjoyable to spend time in.
If you have some tips of your own that have worked for you, feel free to leave them below.