Home and Garden

Beautiful Touches To Your Home

When you get your first home, you’ll no doubt wonder into it with this vision of an amazing place, with beautiful interior decor and exterior features. But once you’ve been in the home a while all of this fades slightly. Getting the design you want wasn’t as easy as you think, and the stresses of other areas of your life might have got in the way a little. As you progress through your homeowner life, you’ll realise how easy it is for interior decor to become outdated, or how easy it is for you to become bored of what you’re seeing, Whilst you can’t update the whole house constantly, it is good to have a little refresh every year or two to try and spruce the place up a little. If you’re still wondering what it is you can add, we’ve outlined some beautiful touches to you home that you’re going to love. Here’s a room by room guide.

Beautiful Touches To Your Home


The Exterior

The exterior isn’t always focused on because people are too worried about what people may think of the interior. But the exterior has the power the wow people just as much. The first thing you need to do is fix anything that might be out of place. Because of the weather etc. the outside of the house is always susceptible to a little wear and tear. The roof in particular always becomes damaged at one point or another. Not only can this cause a nightmare if water leaks into the home, it just doesn’t look the best either. A roofing company will be able to fix the issue in no time for you. Then you want to think about the general aesthetics of it all. The front garden is definitely the most neglected, but there’s no reason why it can’t have a little spruce up to make it look amazing. Firstly mow the grass to make sure it is finely trimmed. Sprinkle some grass seeds over it so that in a few weeks you’ll have lush green grass growing. Now, whilst you can’t fill the front garden with millions of flowers, hanging baskets make for such a beautiful entrance into your home. Fill them with bright colourful flowers and they’ll look amazing.

The Living Room

This is usually one of the first rooms a person can walk into in your home, so you want to make sure it stands out the most. The comfier the better with the living room. It needs to be enticing, yet you want to draw in as much natural light during the daytime as well. Try and keep the wallpaper and colours used in the living room a bit darker than white, but not an overpowering dark. A  musk colour could look really nice, and there’s so many beautiful wallpaper designs that you can choose from. Or if you prefer paint, there will no doubt be the perfect musk colour at your local DIY store. Then for a more luxurious effect, think about the lighting fixtures. A beautiful idea for these is a sort of chandelier casing for them. You don’t want to go too over the top with a massive one, but a small and subtle chandelier can help to bring that element of luxury that you want. Considering this is the room your family spends the most time in, most likely in front of the TV, you might as well go on a new TV hunt. There’s plenty of amazing ones out at the minute, with technology making them better than ever. If you want to impress the whole family then a 3D TV is the one for you.

The Bedroom

To finish off, we’ll talking about the room that you most likely neglect the most, but definitely love the most. It is easy to let the bedroom slip because you’ve focused on the rooms people will actually see. But you want the bedroom to be as relaxing and inviting as possible for you. The first thing you can consider is a new mattress. Yes, it does say that most mattresses have a ten year lifespan, but after about half of that you start to notice the wear and tear of one. A quick change to one that suits your posture and sleeping positions more will help you get that all important nights sleep. Get the thickest duvet with some top of the range bedding. You want a cotton feeling one that is nice and thick, and can match the rest of your room. Refresh the room with new furniture such as fine oak chest of draws and you don’t really need to do much else. Unless you want a freshen up of the paint, the bedroom doesn’t need much!

2 thoughts on “Beautiful Touches To Your Home

  • I really would love to redecorate my home and I find it interesting how you have so many creative ideas on how to get started

  • I painted one wall in my living room with a marble effect. Now I need to choose one color for the rest of the walls. Trying to convince husband to hang tv above fireplace so we can watch it on our new sofas. Our living room is L shaped and currently it is in the smallest area of the room.


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