
Fun Activities you Can do on a Rainy Day

If the rain is putting a damper on your day, then you will know how frustrating this can be. You may feel as though nothing you do ends up being fun, but there are things that you can do to try and brighten your day and your mood.

Take a look below to find some fun activities you can do on a rainy day.Little girl playing with blocks - Fun Activities you Can do on a Rainy Day

Crazy Golf

Did you know that crazy golf is actually a great idea for a rainy day? It doesn’t cost a lot of money, there’s nearly always one local and it’s fun for the kids. If you don’t fancy leaving your house, then you can easily create your own version of crazy golf indoors.  It’s very easy for you to set up a temporary course and you don’t even need to make too much mess.

Do some Puzzles

Did you know that it’s also very good to do puzzles at home? It works your brain, and it can also help your kids to expand their logical abilities. If you want a good source then you can find PennyDell Puzzles online. If you are not quite sure how to make the most out of your experience then sit at the table, put out some snacks and get the family round so you can help each other to work out the answers.

Have a Movie Night

Another thing that you can do is have a movie night. When you do, you will be able to bring everyone together and you can also really enjoy some time together. If you are stuck as to what movie to watch then movie collections are always a good option as you can easily go from one to the other, and not have to think of a new movie every night. Some of the best movie collections include Star Wars, the Marvel series and of course, Lord of the Rings.

Bake Something

Don’t you love the smell of freshly baked cakes and cookies on a rainy day? Activities that are for kids, can also be fun for adults too. If you want to make a treat that the entire family will love then pumpkin pie is a good option, not to mention that you can also explore the idea of trying your own recipes. Ask your kids what they would like to eat, and then incorporate your favorite sweet treats from there.

Little boy cracking an egg into a bowl - Fun Activities you Can do on a Rainy Day

Science Experiments

Nothing will spark your children’s curiosity more than conducting a science experiment. There are usually so many things lying around the  home that you can use to your advantage here and you would be surprised at how easy it is for you to get hours of entertainment without having to buy anything.

Play Some Board Games

You can also play some board games if you want. When you do, you can then create a family-friendly competitive atmosphere. There are even some good family games like picker wheel out for consoles as well, so make sure that you explore this if you want something that will keep everyone entertained without any problems.

Board Game Sitting on Wooden Table - Fun Activities you Can do on a Rainy Day


One thought on “Fun Activities you Can do on a Rainy Day

  • I love finding new things to do on rainy days, one of the things I do is give the children old books and each get one marker, I tell them each a word and they have through go through the book and mark off all the same words ( like the, yes, like, people, you, tree) it seems to work and they have fun and at the end, we all get to have some snacks.


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