
#NSNation – My First Week on Nutrisystem – Sonnie

 Disclaimer: I am a part of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogging Program for the months of July, August and September of 2014. I have, and will continue to receive food from Nutrisystem for the purpose of reporting my results. No other form of compensation has been or will be received . Opinions expressed are 100% my own. ~ Sonnie

Today, I want to welcome my baby girl, Sonnie.  She will be traveling along the Nutrisystem Journey with me.  Unlike me, she doesn’t need to lose a lot of weight, but she has a very very good reason for taking off a few pounds. Here is her story:


I’ve been needing to get rid of this extra weight I’ve put on, and I’ve just been waiting for the opportunity to really just buckle down and do it. Not only to feel better and to kick my insecurities to the curb, (especially since its summer and it seems that everyone lives in a bathing suit), but also just to be healthy again. You see, I have a condition called Pseudotumor Cerebri.  This is a somewhat rare disease usually found in women between the ages of 20 and 50.  It causes severe swelling in the brain, in my case, behind the optic nerves.  For some unknown reason, my body produces too much cere-brospinal fluid. Besides causing extreme headaches, nausea, vomiting and dizziness, if not kept under control, it can cause me to lose my sight.  Besides medication (and having fluid removed via a spinal tap), losing weight is a key component in my health treatment plan.

Sonnie NSN Pic
Sonnies #NSNation Journey Begins

OK – Mom here, I just have to jump in and say…Isn’t she beautiful!

When Nutrisystem offered us this opportunity, I  was so thankful, and knew that this was the push I needed. I’m looking forward to seeing how much progress my mom and I can make over the next 3 months!

Okay so, I finished the Fast 5 week of Nutrisystem, and I have to say it wasn’t that bad. I mean there were times when it was definitely tough, but I prepared myself for worst. You get three meals, 2 shakes and any of the non starchy veggies you wanted. For me, I think the hardest part were drinking those shakes, which personally just didn’t do it for me. But, I was really surprised at how decent the food tasted. You could drink diet soda or any other calorie free drink, but needed to drink lots of water. For me personally, after a few days of drinking so much water, the cravings for soda or anything else weren’t really even there anymore.

Back to me being done with the Fast 5, I was happy with the end result.

I lost 5 pounds…

…and couldn’t be happier that I am already seeing progress. I’m looking forward to continuing on every week and making more and more progress. It’s definitely a lot of self control to not just go eat whatever you’d like out of the fridge, or to not  stop somewhere while I’m out. But I feel that the longer I do it, it’ll get easier.



0 thoughts on “#NSNation – My First Week on Nutrisystem – Sonnie

  • I am sorry to hear of your illness.Good
    luck with your diet.What I really would like to
    know is what if you have to be Gluten Free? This is one
    of my reasons for my hesitation.

  • I have gained 52 lbs in 2 years. If I gain any more, I will explode. I will have to look into Nutrisystem. Thank you for the great information.

  • I am currently 57 and come from a long line of folks with good genes. We tend to stay naturally thin until we develop a major illness. I have gone through 4 differnet times in my life where my weight became a major problem. It wasn’t until the 3rd time that I discovered that my reocurring weight problem was a direct result of being given a steriod shot for either pain or my allergies! I did my research and discovered i was right. Once the steroid enters your system, it will take 6 months to 18 months for the steriod to leave your body. Once it leaves you will know it because you will live in the restroom for weeks urinating tons. You see, steriod weight is water weight. No amount of dieting or excersizing will rid your body of the steriod that caused it. Only time will help! I had no choice winter of 2013 but to take another steriod shot, it was that or die from phnuemonia. It took almost 2 years to lose the weight. I also discovered that certain perscription nasal sprays for allergies contains steroids! I gained 20 lbs just for using it! How long it takes you to lose steriod induced weight is determined by your genes, the type you were given and the amount you were given! So please do not be hard on yourself if you have gained weight and either an illness is the cause or the cure the doctor gives you is the cause. There is nothing you could have done to change it. My mother a very tiny woman developed huge weight gain when she developed a fatal kidney disease. What breakes my heart is that she did not realize that it was her disease and she was so hard on herself. My mother was very vain about her looks and her body weight so it was so sad to see her suffer this devastation near the end of her shortened life. Good luck and god bless

  • I LOVE Nutrisystem. I tried it a few years ago and it was amazing. I had completely forgotten about it, but I have been needing to lose some extra pounds after starting a few bad habits. I will definitely try them again! 🙂

  • You’re doing great! It’s a challenge and I commend you. So glad you are taking precautions for anything you can control concerning your Pseudotumor Cerebri. YOU CAN DO THIS! 🙂


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