Preparing Your Patio For Spring
We may still be in the depths of winter but that is no excuse to sit back on your laurels. These colder winter months are actually the perfect time to give the most-used areas of your garden some TLC before the sunshine arrives so that when the warmer, brighter days do make their appearance you can make the most of them. And remember that the blocking the sun with a patio can be a tremendous improvement. Consider having one professionally installed by a company like Outdoor World Bunbury.
One area that often needs a little attention following a busy summer and autumn season is your patio, so here are a few ways for preparing your patio for Spring.
1. Give it a clean
To see the true extent of the work at hand, move any items currently on your patio to a temporary home, this includes things such as plant pots and garden furniture. Cleaning around plant pots and furniture can leave obvious cleaning lines which ultimately ruin the look of a clean patio. Over the summer and autumn months leaves, dirt, algae, and moss will have found their way onto your flags causing them to discolor. To get your patio back to looking brand new, start by brushing away any larger items such as tree debris and leaves and then use a hose and broom to scrub away any soil or dirt. You may find that some of the grime is very stubborn to get off, in which case, it’s often best to consider pressure washing the surface with a jet washer as this will remove even the most ingrained particles of grime or mold.
2. Treat any weeds
With your flagstones clean it’s now time to treat any pesky weeds that may be growing up in the cracks or around the border. Although a pressure washer will remove some of the more lightly rooted plants, those that are more established will remain. Start by pulling up any weeds that you can see, trying your best to get the whole plant from the root. Having removed the majority of the visible weed plants it’s best to put down a weed-killing treatment to make sure that any remaining smaller plants are also killed. If you are using a weedkiller on the border of your patio where the flags meet the lawn then do be careful to buy a variety that is safe for use on grass. Removing and killing weeds between your patio flags can be a repetitive and tiresome process but should you let them stay they can begin to cause damage as they grow, resulting in costly repairs.
3. Decorate
With your patio base now clean and treated for weeds, you can return your patio furniture and any plant pots you have moved before moving onto the decoration phase. With a few months left until spring now is a great time to plant some spring-flowering bulbs into your pots and to consider whether you need to clean or replace some of your soft patio furnishings such as chair cushions, or your umbrella. These items are often cheaper now than they will be when spring eventually rolls around and so you could make some significant savings by shopping early.
First, I want the view that goes with that patio, lol! If I had it, I’d definitely take care of it.