Tips for Making Your Home More Pet-Friendly
Pets, whether a cat or a dog, are an addition to your family, so you should consider your pet’s needs when redesigning your home.
Most pet owners create the right environment for their pets to make the new family members quite comfortable and safe. A National Association of Realtors report indicated that 50% of homeowners would renovate their homes, by including an additional fence, strong floor, installing a dog fence, among others, to accommodate their new pets.
Doggie doors and fences are the most typical home renovations that pet owners consider. Still, that is not enough – you have so much to think about when creating a pet-conscious environment.
Read on to find out how you can take care of your pets by making changes to make your home more pet-friendly and accommodating for your new furry friend!
Have a Home for the Pet
If you have gotten a bird for a pet, it needs a conducive and safe room to fly; if it is a ferret, it requires enough space to move around when it is out of the cage. A dog will need a room with windows where it can watch cars pass by.
And if you have a cat for a pet, you should create a space where it can retreat – you know cats like to sleep in quiet places. The gist is that you should dedicate a particular area in your home for your new friend.
You can also use a pet’s room as a playroom or den. However, this would depend mainly on the pet type you have, but it is advisable to include all manner of attractive and safe playthings for the pet. If you are considering a pup for a pet, click here for dog toy ideas.
Pet-Friendly Landscaping
Like any other pet owner, you would probably consider a fence as the first security measure for making your home more pet-friendly. That’s not all it takes – there are numerous options and pet-friendly landscaping ideas to consider, especially if your goal is to create a safe space for the pet to roam about and play.
Here are few features you can consider to achieve a safer and pet-friendly yard:
Stairs do not excite dogs as much as they would any other pet; older dogs struggle to move up and downstairs, so changing the landscape would be a big boost for the dog. You can include a ramp to your porches and decks as an alternative for the dogs.
Ramps are considered ideal for reducing joint damage and preventing your dogs from getting injured.
Enclose the Patio
Your pet needs to bask in the sun or an area where they can watch what is going around them. Including a deck or patio in your yard would be a perfect idea. However, enclose the patio and include a few perches and climbing posts to give your new pet room for some exercise.
Fenced Window
While having a privacy fence is ideal for your privacy, it prevents your pet from watching outside activities, and dogs love to sit and watch everything unfolding outside the yard.
If you are thinking about a privacy fence, make several cutouts to create a space for dogs. Chain link or plexiglass would be ideal for creating such windows and ensuring that you don’t give away your privacy.
Pet-friendly Bathroom Changes
If you are anything like most pet owners, you probably will dispose of kitty litter boxes and washing areas outside the house. Such a move isn’t recommended, especially for your dog’s safety and for your home’s hygiene.
Be attentive so you do not leave any open holes around plumbing fixtures or in walls, otherwise, you’d be surprised how easily your pet can find a way into hard-to-reach places without knowing how to get out. If you face a similar issue, call your local Roto rescue service, for the experts’ help. They’ll help you out without any charge!
When it comes to owning a dog, you must be prepared to accommodate a few elements for its luxury and comfort. A mudroom would be necessary for keeping the litter boxes and washing areas. In case this is above your budget, consider installing the following elements during your next bathroom remodel:
Bath Station
If you still have your old shower/tub combo, you might need a walk-in shower; it would make your life easier when showering the little friend. Another option would be an open shower with doors, as this will have enough space to give your dog a thorough wash.
Alternatively, go for a close-to-ground handheld showerhead for ease of bathing your pet.
Kitty Litter Boxes
While you can keep the litter boxes for your kitty in the bathroom, they will make the area unattractive. When changing your cabinets, consider leaving a space where you can be sliding in the box.
Alternatively, you can redesign the cabinets, including larger drawers to store the kitty litter.
Pet-Friendly Kitchen Changes
When it comes to normal kitchen remodeling, most things that come to your mind include appliances, cabinets, countertops, and paint color, among others, but you can change a few aspects for the sake of your pet.
The kitchen is one place you cannot avoid when remodeling your space to accommodate a new pet. Feeding stations, built-in pet gates, and unique storage spaces are a few of the features you should consider to bring a pet into the house.
There will be times when your pet should stay away from the kitchen. With this, a gate is necessary. If you have a baby gate, you can use that to keep your pet away from restricted areas at a given time.
Swinging gates or even half door design would be a suitable option for the kitchen. Such a door will make it easy for you to keep the pet away from the kitchen, yet it won’t feel completely shut off.
Let’s face it – your cat or dog’s food bag isn’t something you had initially thought of when designing your kitchen decor, so it would probably look out of place.
During your kitchen remodeling, mostly where the cabinets are involved, consider dedicating a cabinet with a deep drawer for storing your pet’s food bags. For ease of access, include this nearer to the bowls used by your pet.
Feeding Area
Your kitchen will be tidier and neater with a designated built-in feeding area for your pet. Having such a place minimizes those instances when you trip over the bowls and spill food all over.
Additionally, including a faucet closer to the ground and near the feeding area will ease your refilling of the water bowls.
There is more to owning a pet than just bringing a new friend into your house. Reorganizing your home is the least you can do to make the pet more comfy and welcome. Thus, whenever making any changes in the home, always consider your pet’s needs!