What’s the Legal Process to Happen After You’ve Been Arrested?
Whether you’re in the right or wrong, being arrested can be a scary and confusing time, especially if you’ve never been in this position for. What’s more, like all abnormal situations we might find ourselves in, you might find it hard to remember or even recall what happens afterward.
What actually happens after you’ve been arrested and are you supposed to do something or make a call to someone, or maybe you’re just supposed to sit and wait? Today, we’re going to answer all your questions by detailing exactly what happens in the legal process after you’ve been arresting, helping you understand everything you need to know, and what is a fta charge.
Being Arrested
The entire criminal process starts the moment the police approach you for whatever reason. Remember, even if you’re being stopped and searched, this doesn’t mean you’re being arrested, and they two separate things. However, it’s important you know your rights during this stage.
For example, a police officer can’t search your car without your consent without having a reason to do so. You won’t be able to legally challenge this at the time but saying I do not consent to have my car searched and the police not giving you a reason will stand up in court later.
Depending on what happens, you’ll either be let go, talked to and warned, or you’ll be arrested.
Once Arrested
As you’re being arrested, the police officer is legally bound to read you your constitutional rights. Failure to do this is illegal. You’ll then be taken to the police holding location or police station. Of course, you’re legally entitled to remain silent if you want, but you should be given the opportunity to contact an attorney.
This is the next part of the legal process.
Contact your attorney, such as CriminalAndDUILawOfGeorgia.com, and you’ll be able to explain what happened and get advice on what to do next. This will differ from person to person because it will be dependent on the nature of your individual and specific case. You may also get the opportunity to call someone in your life to let them know where you are.
After Your Call
Now comes the waiting period. The police now have a limited amount of time to charge you for what you’ve done, or they’ll need to release you. However, you’ll still be ‘booked’ which means being fingerprinted and your details recorded for future reference.
During this time, any belongings you have on you will be confiscated and stored in a safe location until you’re released, or someone comes to get them. Depending on the nature of the case, you may be set free, or bail can be posted so you can be free until the case is finalized.
Sometimes you may remain imprisoned until your court case. This is where you’ll be told to plead guilty or not guilty, and the outcome will decide whether you go free or go to jail or receive a fine or a mixture of both.
Of course, you’ll have the choice of having an attorney represent you throughout this process to help fight your side of what’s happened.
As you can see, the criminal process from being arrested to the case being over is not as complicated as some people might think, but that doesn’t stop it being any less scary or confusing. To make things easier for and to get the best result, make sure you’re seeking the help of a legal professional.
Feature Image Source: Pixabay