8 Things That You Can Do with Your Ashes
For many years, there were few burial options after you had passed away. Recently, however, there have been many new and creative ideas that have become more popular for people after their deaths. From cremation diamonds to memorial trees to ashes into glass, there are now many new burial alternatives to consider. If you are curious about what you can do with your ashes after you pass away, here are eight things you can request your descendants do with your ashes.
Ash Records
A trend that is gaining popularity in recent years is the idea of becoming part of a vinyl record. You choose the record and the art work or record a message to your loved ones. Then, your ashes can be pressed into the records. Some see it as a way to both leave a final message and to encourage your descendants to listen to the music you chose. By choosing your favorite record, you are able to become part of the music. For some people, particularly those who love music and old records, this idea is very appealing.
Keepsake Cremation Diamonds
Cremation diamond has become quite a large trend across the world over the past few years. Professional ashes into diamonds companies such as the Swiss Lonite are able to extract the remaining carbon from your loved ones ashes, and even pieces of hair, then, turn it into diamonds using specialized and high technology equipment. These diamonds, then, are something that your descendants can keep forever. They are called a memorial diamond. After you have been cremated, your descendants may choose a color and style, or go with the color and style you chose. Your ashes are sent to Lonite, where they turn your ashes into a diamond in their laboratory. Not only is this a beautiful way to be remembered, with a unique and beautiful diamond made from them; it can also be a way to help work through grief. The idea of making diamonds out of ashes, creating something beautiful to remember your life by, is something that appeals to many people. A death diamond, as it is also called, can be a reminder to your family as they are grieving. Just like this process is turning ashes into a diamond, eventually, your loved ones will remember that they still have their wonderful memories of time spent with you.
There are two types of tattoos that help honor a loved one. Your descendants can either get a tattoo that reminds them of you, or they can get a tattoo that is made with you in it. Some tattoo artists use a small part of the ashes of a cremated loved one and mix it with the ink. This creates a memorial tattoo that is you. If this seems like the kind of thing you would like, to have all your descendants get matching tattoos with a bit of you inside, check out memorial tattoos. This style of tattoo is also called commemorative or ritual tattoos. It’s not a new idea, but over the years it has become more popular. There are no known health risks, though some doctors worry about infection. Although only a small amount of ash is mixed in with the ink, not every tattoo artist does this. Because of this, you should check this out a bit more before putting it in your will.
Stained Glass WindowMemorial stained-glass windows
Similar to a cremation diamond and a tattoo, you can arrange for your ashes to be mixed into stained glass. After this, a beautiful piece of art will be hanging somewhere in the home of one of your descendants. Not only that, it will be a piece of art with you in it. People commission stained glass art in memory of their loved ones frequently, so the idea is nothing new, but the idea of being mixed in with the glass is a newer one. You can choose a design that will remind your descendants of you and plan everything from the pattern to the colors that will be used. This is a beautiful way to have your ashes passed down through the generations, and a name-plate on the window will ensure that no one forgets who made the window.
Build a Reef
If you want to use your remains to help the environment, but want to do something more exciting than growing a tree, there is another option. With the future of the coral reefs in jeopardy, some companies are using a combination of concrete and human ash to create reefs for the displaced ocean creatures. Not only does this process help the environment, it is also a great option if you love the ocean. Becoming part of a coral reef might be something to consider when you are deciding what you want your descendants to do with your own remains.
If you want to go out with a bang, there are several options. Some people choose to have their remains turned into fireworks. This creates a beautiful firework display for everyone to enjoy and remember them by. Fireworks aren’t the only explosive option, however. If you are a hunting or shooting enthusiast, your ashes can be put into bullets. These bullets can be for a shotgun, rifle, or pistol, so you can pick your weapon of choice. Following this theme, some people have wanted their ashes shot out of a canon or, if they enjoyed sailing, out of a deck gun. Something unique like this gives your family a happy and joyful occasion that they can remember. It is a fun and exciting way for your life to be celebrated. Before you have your descendants put your ashes in a canon or in fireworks, be aware of what any local laws might be. That is not the memory that you want your descendants to have of this day.
Stuffed Animals
Two Stuffed animals
Another option that is becoming more popular is to create stuffed animals out of the ashes of the deceased. If you think that is something that your family members would appreciate, there are many places that can do that for you. Some people find this a sweet idea, having the ashes of their loved one in a teddy bear that they can hug. Other people find the idea a bit morbid. Before choosing this option for your own ashes, check with your descendants to see how they feel about this idea. You don’t want your ashes to be in a bear in a closet!
Scattering ashes
Urns and scattering are still very popular choices for those who are cremated. Scattering allows your ashes to be spread out into world into the ocean, in a lake, in nature and even into space. Your ashes can help fertilize the plants in a place that you love, or be scattered somewhere that you have always felt at peace. When choosing your place to be scattered, however, be sure that your family has permission. Some places do not allow ashes to be scattered, or need to give special permission before the event occurs.
With the many creative ways to have your ashes displayed and spread after your death, if you don’t want to be buried or displayed in an urn, there are other options. Whether becoming a cremation diamond, becoming a tattoo on the arm of a loved one, or both, there are many options of what you can do with your ashes.
I love the record idea! Music is very important to me and my family so this is such a cool option.