A Unique Chance to Create the Perfect Smile
A lot of people may wish to correct the alignment of their teeth and by doing so, improve the health of their mouth as well as the appearance of their smile. However, they may be hesitant to visit a dentist regarding these matters due to time constraints, or fear of commitment to a procedure that may last years. If this is something that you’re curious about, be sure to call the Dentist in Naples.
Adult braces are fast becoming a popular option for people who missed out on teeth straightening devices in their youth either due to cost, lack of technology and materials, or because their teeth were not bad enough to warrant them.
Teeth continue to grow and move throughout a person’s lifetime and as a result, the crossing of a person’s teeth will only get worse as they get older. There is no time like the present to make a change that will benefit someone for the rest of their life.
Straighter teeth are healthier as there is less chance for food debris to become trapped and bad bacteria to harbor in hard to reach places where teeth overlap and cross. Injury is less likely to occur in a fall where teeth are neatly positioned against one another. Inter-dental cavities are less common where teeth are not too cramped or too spaced apart. One of the most important changes a person can make, to ensure that their daily oral hygiene routine is as effective as it can be, is straightening their teeth, to create a more accessible and appealing smile.
Clear Braces Direct in London is an innovative approach to allowing patients the chance of creating the perfect smile in the comfort of their own home. By eliminating the need for repetitive appointments and simply providing patients with the results that they seek, patients can enjoy independence with consistent support only when they need and want it.
Firstly, a patient can take a free suitability test online to check whether they are in the eligible group who can enjoy the benefits of this easy and simple procedure. Should the result be a positive one, then patients need only to book an appointment with the practice to have a scan.
This scan is the cornerstone of the entire procedure, and a lot of modern technology has been applied in order to make the most of the information that it can provide both dentists and laboratorists. This scan can identify the misalignment of teeth and calculate the best method in which to correct their positioning.
Data and results will be posted to the patient so that they can look over the recommended treatment plan at their own leisure. Should they agree to the time-frame, cost and details of the plan, they will accept the offer and they can expect their first set of aligners to be delivered to them shortly after.
Each set of aligners need to be worn for 2 weeks at a minimum of 20 hours each day. They are clear and comfortable so nobody will even know that they are worn, sometimes even including the patient! After several months of changing the aligners every few weeks, the results will speak for themselves.
This is a straightforward and no-nonsense way of getting the results that are desired, quickly and effortlessly.