
Don’t Micromanage Huge Tasks if You Have Already Assigned Them

It’s understandable if you worry about the success of huge tasks. Your name is at stake. The problem is when you decide to micromanage because you worry that you won’t achieve the goals.

In as much as you want to make the endeavor successful, you shouldn’t micromanage. It’s only going to make things worse. You already created a team to deal with various tasks. Allow them to do what needs to get done.

You can still supervise

It’s one thing to supervise the process, and it’s another to micromanage. When you supervise, you don’t tell individuals what to do. Instead, you talk to the head of every team. Allow them to give you updates regarding the project. You can give comments and advice. When you feel that they’re way behind, it’s the only time for you to delve deeper into the details of the task. If everything seems to be going well, you can focus on other tasks.

Show everyone you have confidence 

Your team relies on you, and they want to seek guidance from you. However, they also want you to feel that you can trust them. If you micromanage, they might lose confidence in themselves. They also lose creativity. Instead of thinking outside the box, they will only do things based on what you say. It’s not a good way to improve the skills of everyone in the team.

Consider a backup plan 

There’s nothing wrong with having a backup plan in mind in case things don’t go as expected. For instance, if you asked some people in your team to organize a funfair, and you think it’s not going well, you can always outsource it. You can quickly find specialists in funfair hire to come over and do the job. They’re ready any time to offer assistance. They have everything ready for you. The backup plan isn’t meant to insult your team. You only consider it when you think the original plan isn’t going to work.

Give everyone an opportunity to grow

When you avoid micromanaging, you give all your team members an opportunity to grow. Yes, they might commit mistakes and not do things as you please. However, it’s also a learning opportunity. They will realise what they did wrong and find a way to correct it next time. You want them to be independent. You won’t always be there for them and provide guidance in every step. Besides, from your team, someone will eventually take over your role. You want to help one or two employees prepare for that role when the right time comes.

Resist the urge 

There are times when you want to scream because you don’t think your employees can do the job. Despite that, you have to resist the urge and try your best to let them do the job. Make them come to you for help and assistance. If you have an honest relationship, they won’t mind coming to you. Micromanagement always ends in disaster, and you don’t want to follow this leadership style.

One thought on “Don’t Micromanage Huge Tasks if You Have Already Assigned Them

  • I think the trouble with some managers is that they don’t actually trust their team to do the job how they think it should be done. A successful businessman once said the secret to his success was hiring people smarter than him, so that he could delegate everything. Sadly some managers seem to take the opposite view thinking if they hire smarter people they will be outshone and feel the urge to do everything themselves.


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