
Friday Finds – 1/24

Welcome to another issue of Friday Finds.  Today is 1/24!

Friday Finds JanuaryFYI – I’ve been sitting at my desk for hours on end, you would think that I could get something done, but Nooooooooooooo.  You see, I live in the South.  Born in the South.  Raised in the South.  Always lived in the South.  So SNOW is a big deal to me and we had predictions of snow for last night. Shoot, they even closed the schools today.  Want to see all the magical stuff that came drifting down my way?

What I stayed up for
LOL- Our huge Southern Snow Storm!

OMGosh – I am so lame!

Alrighty then, on to some FINDS.

I want to share a few blogs – about Bento Lunches.

Yes, you heard me right – Bento Lunches.

I’ve been fascinated by them for several years, and have even tried my hand at them a few times.  They can be a bit time consuming, but the results are like edible works of art.

First on today’s menu is

What’s for Lunch at Our House.

Bento Lunch

I had the great pleasure of meeting Shannon a couple of years ago (along with the other bloggers mentioned in this post) when I attended the first Niche Mommy Conference.  Every picture I have of Shannon is like this:
ShannonI don’t even know if she realized that I was there….her eyes were for my dog, only. I swanny, every time I turned around, he was looking at her adoringly, waiting for her to slip him some delectable morsel (which she did every time he blinked), or for a belly rub. The last day of the conference, I kept his leash tied to my waist for fear that he would follow her home – or that she would try to pack him in her suitcase!

Shannon holds weekly What’s for Lunch Wednesday link up.

Bento Lunch

Got kids with allergies?  Then you’ll want to check out Keeley McGuire

KeeleyYou’ll find more than just pictures of lunchbox meals at this site.  Head on over and check out her recipe, allergy resources and “MOMables” Tabs.

Speaking of MOMables

she is a local blogger for me.  She offers a fantastic subscription service to help ease the “oh what am I going to pack for their lunches today” headache!

One Simple Lunch Plan…Unlimited Lunch Ideas 


    • Weekly Plan filled with a variety of easy real food ideas, prep-ahead & lunch box packing tips
    • Every menu item is pictured just like your favorite recipes
    • Every menu includes a vegetarian, gluten free and nut free options (when applicable)
    • Easy to make fresh school lunches that are quick to prepare -we show you how to put leftovers to use and prep ahead to save time
    • You control the quality of food and where you shop
    • Adult Friendly too! One plan feeds the entire family. You control the portion size 
    • Easy to swap ingredients for picky eaters and other allergies
    • BONUS recipes every week: family friendly dinner ideas, healthy snacks & treats
    • BONUS: Homemade Resource Guide (both standard & gluten free) so you don’t have to buy packaged items!

Hire MOMables for as little as $5 per month to be your personal meal planning assistant! It’s time to get out of your lunch packing rut and start feeding your kids real food at school.

Bentoriffic is yet another blog about

– you guessed it –

bento lunches!

bentorifficbuttonSarah specializes in “plant based” bento lunches.  Sound boring?  Oh contra-ire. Go, Go NOW, and take a look at the fabulous lunches that she makes.  They are anything BUT boring!

Ummm, excuse me, but why are you still here?  I want you to go check out these great blogs, and get yourself inspired, and all fired up over Bento Lunches.

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