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Packing School Lunches is Fun

I’ve got school age children in my house again, so I’m on lunch detail.

I find that packing school lunches if fun!

School Lunches

I love EasyLunchboxes, so they are what we will be using this year.

Each child has their own color assigned to them, so it’s easy for them to grab their meal each morning before heading off to school.  I have a “cheat sheet” to remind me who likes what, so I can quickly put the food together after dinner each evening.

Since we had to get records transferred and papers notarized, it was a short week for the kids.  Here is a peek at what they had to eat!

This weeks lunches 2
School lunches packed in Easy Lunchboxes.
This weeks lunches 1
More school lunches.

Since more than one container fits into each insulated bag, I can pack enough for the oldest (a teenage boy – enough said), to keep him fueled until he gets home in the afternoon. Drinks are in the fridge next to their meals, and I have a basket on the counter, that has treats and individual bags of chips. In the mornings, they can pick one of each, and pop them into their bags.  We have lots of freezer packs to keep food good and cold until it’s time for them to eat.

I plan on purchasing some more fun accessories like “picks” and boiled egg molds.

Kelly Lester, the founder and CEO of EasyLunchboxes, is a riot.  She is as much fun in person, as she is in her videos!

“Hi Kelly, we need to get together again real soon!”

Last year I bought a Cooking With Trader Joe’s Cookbook: Easy Lunch Boxes, by Kelly Lester, but it went to my oldest daughter, who packs her little one’s lunch each day.  I am definitely going to have to purchase another one, so that I can get some fresh new menu ideas. Until then, I’ll be getting inspiration from the Photo Gallery on Kelly’s website.  At this time, I believe that there are over 450 lunch menu suggestions that have been sent in by EasyLunchboxes enthusiasts.

For loads of lunchbox fun, check out Kelly’s Blog:

It’s Not Just Lunch.

And now, before I go…a little entertainment brought to you by

Kelly Lester and Barry Williams

0 thoughts on “Packing School Lunches is Fun

  • You have always packed the best lunches! In high school, my friends were always jealous of my awesome lunches. Yum! I hope those kids realize how lucky and spoiled they are. 😉 Pinterest also has lots and lots of great ideas for lunches. If only my kids actually ate any of that stuff….


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